Parents would always want the best for their children. As kids grow up, there is nothing more parents would wish to, but for them to be happy and successful children.
Parents would do anything to give their children a better future, and science seems to have the answer to giving children a happy and successful life.
Aside from parenting tips shared by friends or relatives, here are six scientifically-proven tips in raising happy and successful children, that parents may follow:
Tip #1 in raising happy and successful children: Do not expect perfection, instead acknowledge their effort.
Studies show that parents who put too much pressure on their children tend to raise kids with depression and anxiety. That is why it is essential to make sure that children are not pressured, and parents are not expecting too much from them.
Also, it should be the children's effort, which is given emphasis rather than the achievement that they were able to make.
Tip #2 in raising happy and successful children: Teach them about the bright side of life.
There will be instances when kids will be disappointed. Because of this, they might also feel unmotivated and even lose interest in trying new things.
When that happens, parents should be there to teach their children about optimism. As children see the silver lining or the brighter side of life, happiness will come next.
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Tip #3 in raising happy and successful children: Help them understand the concept of discipline.
Studies show that self-disciplined kids come a long way. Not only are they well-mannered, but they are also believed to have better ways of managing frustration and stress.
Through self-discipline, kids are also able to learn social responsibility. This concept is one way to help children have greater happiness that is brought by community engagement.
Tip #4 in raising happy and successful children: Encourage them to help others.
According to Dr. Mark Holder, kids are happier when they feel they live meaningful lives.
Children associate living meaningfully to become an excellent helping hand to others. Some examples of tasks that make children feel they are making a difference are volunteering and helping friends and relatives.
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Tip #5 in raising happy and successful children: Help them learn the concept of forgiving.
Being grateful and kind to others are some of the very first things parents teach their children. Forgiving is next in line but is equally important. According to research, forgiveness plays an essential role in sustaining happiness in children.
On the other hand, being unforgiving leads to depression and anxiety.
It is through forgiving that children let go of their negative feelings, thus, increasing their happiness.
Tip #6 in raising happy and successful children: Be a happy parent.
Sometimes, parents tend to focus on their children, that they forget their well-being. However, studies show that children are happier when their parents are happy as well.
Children notice when their parents are stressed and tired. When children feel their parents are such, they feel somewhat responsible for the situation.