With "The Winds Of Winter" release date by "A Song Of Ice And Fire" saga author George R.R. Martin the main focus of "TWOW" fans, a group of mathematicians revealed the true "ASOIF" protagonist. Although "ASOIF" and "Game Of Thrones" fans expect "The Winds Of Winter" spotlight to target Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke), the true owner of the song of ice and fire may actually be Tyrion Lannister.
"The Winds Of Winter" may soon reveal the true intention of George R.R. Martin in "ASOIF" to be what Esquire cites from "Network Of Thrones" by mathematicians from Macalester College. The mathematicians found that based on various network graph measurements, George R.R. Martin seemed to have made three characters central to the "ASOIF" saga: Jon Snow and Sansa Stark - both of whom had remarkable transitions in "Battle Of The Bastards" and "The Winds Of Winter" in the "Game Of Thrones" series.
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— Gold Derby (@GoldDerby) September 11, 2016
The third "ASOIF" character is Tyrion Lannister, whom fans saw solidifying his alliance with Daenerys Targaryen in "The Winds Of Winter" of the "Game Of Thrones" series. While, for the most part, "ASOIF" and the "Game Of Thrones" series seem to have relegated Tyrion Lannister to the sidelines albeit in a crucial supporting role, the mathematicians of Macalester College propose differently.
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To be sure both Jon Snow and Sansa Stark are each essential in their own right to the main "Game Of Thrones" and "ASOIF" arc. More interestingly, though, the mathematicians wrote in "Network Of Thrones" that Tyrion Lannister, who is consistently at the heart of political activities, may have been the intended and true protagonist of "Game Of Thrones" and of "ASOIF" from George R.R. Martin.
Congrats to #GameOfThrones for winning Best Prosthetic Makeup at #Emmys! See all winners:https://t.co/JgtnPsllb4 pic.twitter.com/cNdI5Yo8rG
— Gold Derby (@GoldDerby) September 11, 2016
If this mathematical projection is correct, the sixth "ASOIF" novel, "The Winds Of Winter," and HBO's "Game Of Thrones" Season 7 are due to go through remarkable twists to highlight the importance that George R.R. Martin meant for Tyrion Lannister. The mathematical analysis, however, made no claims to guarantee that Tyrion Lannister will successfully sit on the Iron Throne.
At the moment, George R.R. Martin fans eagerly wait for announcement on "The Winds Of Winter" release date and new "ASOIF" revelations. Do you subscribe to this mathematical analysis about Tyrion Lannister or do you think "The Winds Of Winter" and HBO's "Game Of Thrones" Season 7 will yield a different twist from George R.R. Martin?