Keeping Yourself Healthy as Kids Go Back to School

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Summer is upon us, and while that is exciting for a myriad of reasons, as parents, we know that it will fly by in the blink of an eye. Before we know it, our kids are going to be heading back to school, and even if your kids went virtually this past school year, chances are this fall, they'll be attending school in person. This past year taught us that we take our health for granted most of the time, and many of us aren't doing everything we can to stay in peak physical condition. We also learned a lot about our immune systems and many things we should be doing to boost and maintain them. Whether you made the decision to vaccinate yourself or not, it will still be of utmost importance that you stay healthy as your kids get back into school and start mingling with more people again. Read on to get some quick tips on how to do just that. 

Catch Your Z's 

Sleep is a crucial time for your body to restore and heal. We all know that we should be sleeping at least seven to nine hours a night, and sometimes, as a parent, that seems elusive. However, there are things that you can do to make this a more accessible reality for yourself. First, you want to make sure you're unplugging from unnecessary stimulation an hour or two before bed; this means your smartphone, tablet, and televisions. It would be best if you also curated a nighttime routine with relaxation techniques like breathwork and enjoying a cup of calming tea - think chamomile. Next, make sure your bedroom is set up as a place that induces calm and peace in you as well. Remove distractions like televisions and radios, and make sure your bed and mattress are the types that support you and give you healthy, restful sleep. Finally, pay attention to the flow of your room; even the design and layout can affect your relaxation and sleep quality. The important thing is, make sure you're guarding your sleep schedule and getting enough of it; your health will thank you. 

Eat Mindfully 

It literally cannot be overstated that we are, in fact, what we eat. When we're eating a mindful diet, we can feel its impact on our energy, our mood, and overall happiness. Unfortunately, sometimes life gets chaotic (with kids, that seems like most of the time), and we cut corners where we can. One of the worst areas you can cut corners, though, is what you feed yourself and your family. While it's tempting just to order a pizza or drive-through for some fast food, this type of eating contains virtually no nutritional benefit. If you need to enlist help from your family and spouse to help with cooking responsibilities, you should. It's also never a bad idea to meal prep healthy snacks and meals that can be frozen and stored for when you're short on time. A quick online search of freezer-friendly meals and snacks to make should give you an excellent jumping-off point to make this your new normal. The better you eat, the more nourished your body will be, and your immunity will stay strong. 


Supplements are a fantastic addition if you're already applying healthy sleep and eating habits to your lifestyle. Supplements do precisely what the word implies - they supplement in areas that our diets may still lack. For example, most Americans are deficient in Vitamin D and Magnesium, which are both critical for overall health and vital bodily function. Another Vitamin that plays a massive role in not only preventing but treating illnesses is Vitamin C. If you haven't already incorporated these supplements into your daily routine, you should add vitamin c gummies to everyone in your household regimen. 

These may seem like super simple implementations to make, and that's the beauty of them; they are! Hopefully, you take this shortlist, making it easier to focus on and immediately add them to your daily life. You will see the added benefits of more sleep, a healthy diet, and immune-boosting very quickly. You also will see an increase in energy and an overall better mood. When you take steps to better your physical health, you, in turn, also benefit your mental and emotional health as well. 

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