New Mom’s Guide to Dieting and Weight Loss

Photo: (Photo : Amina Filkins)

After giving birth, a new mom will experience several body changes. These include swollen feet, skin changes like stretchmarks, and fluctuating breast size. However, the common denominator of all these changes comes down to weight gain. Women tend to gain weight during pregnancy to keep their bodies and babies healthy during the process. Half of your postpartum weight is usually gone by 6 weeks after giving birth and the rest will follow in a few months.

Still, if you'd want to help speed up this process, there are a few things you can do. After all, there's no harm in reclaiming your body and wanting to feel your best as soon as you can. On that note, here is our guide for new moms on dieting and weight loss:

Personalize your diet plan

As a new mom, there are several factors to consider regarding your body, such as your height, weight, lifestyle, and personal preferences. A diet plan that works for someone else may not work for your postpartum body. In fact, there is a proper weight loss program that will fit your lifestyle and goals. For instance, if you'd like to lose weight but also gain muscle, then a diet with low calories and high protein is perfect for you.

Before personalizing your diet, determine what goals you want to achieve regarding your weight. Whether it is weight loss alone or additional muscle gain, you'd need to specify it before your diet can be tailored to your preferences. Also, keep a mental list of the food that you'd like to include in your diet so that these are integrated into your plan.

Avoid processed foods

Processed foods contain more sugar and calories than unprocessed foods. As a new mom trying to lose weight, these will undo your progress and make it harder for you to achieve your desired results. In the meantime, avoid processed products like fast food, soda, and ready-made cakes. Instead, snack on healthier options like granola bars, sliced fruit, and nuts. Rejecting processed goods may be difficult but this will pay off in the long run.

Breastfeed when possible

Whenever you can, breastfeed your baby. Breastfeeding helps weight loss because it burns up to 500 calories a day. So, even when you're eating more to produce milk for your baby, you can still lose weight. It also assists the uterus in returning to its pre-pregnancy size, making your belly look slimmer. Thus, eating the proper amount of calories each day and breastfeeding will lead to 1 pound lost every 1 or 2 weeks. Just make sure you're eating enough nutrition as well so that you and your baby get enough vitamins and minerals.

Get some exercise

Exercise is a no-brainer for weight loss even for moms in postpartum. This sheds excess weight gain acquired during pregnancy. Paired with a healthy diet, at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week is safe for postpartum women. In spite of this, ensure that you space out your exercise throughout the week because you're still recovering. For example, 30 minutes of physical activity for 5 days. A few recommended exercises for postpartum are brisk walking, yoga, cycling, and water aerobics.

Losing weight after giving birth is possible as long as you get enough physical activity, avoid processed foods, tailor your diet to your needs, and breastfeed whenever you can. If you liked this article, make sure to check out our other pieces here at Parent Herald.

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