How To Track Your Pregnancy

Photo: (Photo : Azra Tuba Demir from Pexels)

After seeing the two lines in your pregnancy test, what comes next? You might start thinking of many questions about your pregnancy and health now and in the following months. It is usual for expecting moms to wonder and worry about how their lives will change during this period, but there are some ways to subdue these worries.

Tracking your pregnancy is a helpful step in ensuring your and your baby's health and setting expectations to avoid further anxiety. Some easy ways to keep tabs on your pregnancy are within your reach. Here are some of the things that can guide you through your journey:

Calculate your due date

One of the first few questions that expecting moms usually ask is how far along they are in their pregnancy and when they will see their bundle of joy. The answer is to use a pregnancy calculator, which can more or less estimate your gestational age and due date by considering your last menstrual period, date of ovulation, date of conception, or ultrasound date, depending on the type of calculating method.

Using this will help you prepare for your baby's arrival and help you track necessary tests and diagnostics during a specific week or month of pregnancy. Due dates are not necessarily accurate since many other factors can affect your delivery date, but knowing is still better so you can prepare. It is essential to take note that this will only serve as a guide, and you should consult medical professionals.

Monitor baby's progress

Another thing to track is your baby's weekly or monthly progress. By knowing how far along you are, you will be able to observe the development of your baby - their size, the organs that developed organs by then, the things they can already do, and a lot more. You can do this through applications or online websites that explain fetus development in specific periods.

Typically, babies develop similar organs and abilities during the same time frame, so you can track how your baby should already be, as long as they do not have any condition hindering their normal development. But it is better to constantly monitor through check-ups since these would allow early detection of problems that may or may not be treatable immediately.

Observe symptoms and changes in your body

As the body changes during pregnancy, you will feel that various pregnancy symptoms will start to appear. Although pregnancies are different - others might feel perfectly fine throughout while others might experience multiple pregnancy sicknesses, there is a timeline in which you will start to feel certain symptoms.

Knowing when these symptoms usually start during the pregnancy will help you anticipate and counter whatever these may bring to you and your body. You can prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically, or start bringing in things to help alleviate these symptoms. Moreover, you will also be aware of what you should or should not be experiencing, so if you feel like something is wrong, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

Follow the steps of your pregnancy

Pregnancy usually comes with a scare, significantly since you are growing a human inside you. But there is no need to worry blindly about what is happening or what will happen because you can monitor your pregnancy even at home.

Tracking your pregnancy can do a great thing in alleviating your worries and helping you understand how to take care of yourself. It can also help in keeping an eye on possible complications or irregularities during the pregnancy. However, these guides will work better as aids for medical consultations and monitoring.

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