Dino Rizzo Shares Ways to Serve During Back-to-School Season

Photo: (Photo : Dino Rizzo Shares Ways to Serve During Back-to-School Season)

All across the country, students and their parents are gearing up for another school year ahead. While this season typically involves shopping for new clothes and school supplies, 35-year ministry veteran Dino Rizzo says it is also a great time to serve.

Dino Rizzo, the founder of Servolution and author of the book "Serve Your City," says that we should always be thinking of ways we can give back to the local community. Even if the acts of kindness you can do are small, they can be very consequential to others.

So, as you're preparing to return to school -- or helping your kids do so -- here are some ways you can serve during back-to-school season.

Collect School Supplies

Throughout the country, there are students in need whose families aren't able to afford basic school supplies. With schools requiring many students to provide these supplies for students, this can make it difficult for these kids to keep up with their classmates.

A great way to serve during back-to-school season is to either participate in a school supply drive or start one yourself. You can shop for school supplies on your own or even just make a list of common school supplies that kids will need and then give that list to local businesses and community groups.

Enlist the help of leaders in your community so that they can get the word out for you.

Provide Free Haircuts

Every kid could use a fresh back-to-school haircut, but not everyone has the means to do so. You may not be a barber or hair stylist, but that doesn't mean you can't help in this regard.

Go to your local salon or barbershop, and ask them if they would like to participate in a charity drive to give needy kids back-to-school haircuts for free. Favor Church in Florida, for example, did just this -- partnering with a local barbershop so that young men from two different foster care homes in the area could get a haircut before the new school year.

Provide Educational Resources

One of the biggest challenges that needy families face throughout the year is that they don't know of all the resources that are available to them. Whether it be the availability of free or reduced food at school or help with after-school care, sometimes what's needed most is the knowledge that these programs exist.

Connect Fellowship Church in Gulfport, Mississippi, understands this and recently hosted a Health & Wellness Fair in their community. As Dino Rizzo explained, the back-to-school-focused event provided school supplies and snacks for kids and provided a wealth of information and resources to families in need.

Church communities can do the same in their location by partnering with local school districts and other charity organizations. Having a place where parents and kids can enjoy themselves, collect needed supplies, and gain valuable information can get them started on the right foot heading into the new school year.

About Dino Rizzo

Dino Rizzo, a 35-year ministry veteran, co-founded Healing Place Church with his wife, DeLynn, where he served as senior pastor for two decades. Through his passion for inspiring believers to serve their communities, Dino Rizzo founded Servolution and authored "Serve Your City." As Executive Director of ARC (Association of Related Churches), Rizzo oversees the planting of over 1,000 churches worldwide and is on the Senior Leadership Team at Church of the Highlands.

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