Minecraft 2 Fake App: Gameplay Involves Mortal Kombat Characters, Game Tops Charts, Mojang Promises To Remove From Store

Minecraft is one of the most popular video game series available today, probably because it caters to almost if not all demographics. So it comes as no surprise that a lot of other developers are trying to recreate Minecraft and take advantage of its popularity.

The Bit Bag reports that thousands of people have already spent $7 on the Apple App Store to download a fake sequel of the popular creative, open-world game. The faux-sequel, copycat game has now risen up to the fourth position in the iTunes charts because it markets itself as a product of Mojang, the creators of Minecraft.

"Minecraft: Pocket Edition 2 was not made by Mojang and the company has no plans releasing a sequel," reports Segment Next. Although since reaching sales of over 70 million in July 2015, it is understandable why some people would copy the game and sell it under false pretences.

The developer of the game is listed as Scott Cawthon. Reports also state that Cawthon has developed and sold a knock-off version of the popular horror game "Five Nights at Freddy's." So you should be a little more than weary when buying an app credited under this name.

"Minecraft: Pocket Edition 2 is a terrible top-down swipe game in which zombies attack Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. I bought it and spent a few minutes 'playing' it before it crashed my iPhone. If it isn't already obvious, don't buy it," Wesley Yin-Poole from Eurogamer says. It does not come off as surprising that a fake game would not even deliver what it promises in the description.

The people over at Mojang have said that they are actively trying to have the game removed from the App Store. "It's great that Minecraft has inspired people to create amazing things, but when a product attempts to dupe our community or exploit their enthusiasm for the game, it's our responsibility to step in," Mojang representatives said. "Our dedicated enforcement team are extremely busy," they added.


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