'Jurassic World 2' News, Plot & Update: Hasbro Clue On New 'Jurassic World' Villain, Resembles Third 'Jurassic Park' T-Rex [Spoilers]

"Jurassic World 2" hybrid dinosaur 'Indominus Rex' is no longer king of the ring. It seems "Jurassic World 2" will not only have a new director but also a new brand of villain that may bring more danger than the Indominus Rex of "Jurassic World."

According to the Australian News Network, a T-Rex hybrid with back-lodged spikes has been spotted in Hasbro toy company's line up of merchandise from "Jurassic World. The news agency also points out that this new member of the "Jurassic World" dino-family bears a resemblance to the T-Rex in the third "Jurassic Park" film. The main difference are the Stegosaurus-type spikes on the T-Rex's back.

The Youth Health Magazine report quotes the Australian news agency in pointing out that the "Jurassic World" ending bears a clue for the "Jurassic World 2" direction. This involves "Jurassic Park" geneticist Dr. Henry Wu played by "Seven Years in Tibet" actor BD Wong, who is integral to InGen's goal of weaponizing hybrid dinosaurs.

"Dr. Wu escaped the island at the end of 'Jurassic World' with the embryos of all the dinosaur species," Youth Health quoted. "In all likelihood, he would have to set up base somewhere where InGen would be able to breed more dinosaurs, especially hybrids."

Definitely, this sequel is moving out of the familiar comforts of fictional Isla Nublar. In an earlier interview with Wired, "Jurassic World" director and co-writer hinted that the sequel will take the dinosaurs to a much bigger playground. "[It will not be] just a bunch of dinosaurs chasing people on an island," Trevorrow related. "That'll get old real fast."

"What if this went open source? It's almost like InGen is Mac, but what if PC gets their hands on it? What if there are 15 different entities around the world who can make a dinosaur?," Trevorrow proposed.

As far as directing is concerned, "Jurassic World 2" is yet to finalize the choice of replacement for Tevorrow. Parent Herald reports that "Jurassic World 2" may, however be nabbing the former director of Brad Pitt-led zombie apocalypse film "World War Z 2." The Global Dispatch confirms that "A Monster Calls" director JA Bayona is still the loudest buzz in the choice of "Jurassic World 2" director.

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