'Guardians Of The Galaxy 2' Release Date & Update: Funny Man Steve Agee Confirmed To Join The Cast; Three More Characters Rumored To Be Added

The highly-awaited sequel of "Guardians of The Galaxy" has finally been confirmed to be in the making and fans of the movie and the whole Marvel Universe followers are very excited. Chris Pratt, who plays one of the main roles in the movie, has been sharing some details in his social media including a picture he posted on his Instagram of the infamous "Mix Tape Volume 2."

Many of the original casts from the first film are going to reprise their roles in "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" and why wouldn't they? It's a sure blockbuster hit. One thing is for sure though: there will be new cast members as well in "Guardians of the Galaxy 2."

One of the confirmed actors who will join the ever growing family of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" is funny man Steve Agee, who has played many cameo characters (New Girl, The Sarah Silverman Project) in series and films. As for what his role will be in "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" is yet to be announced, but it could be small or it could be big.

Fans are thinking that Agee might voice Ego, the living planet in "Guardians of the Galaxy 2." After all, Agee has had past experience in voice acting (Adventure Time). However, Agee would be a fitting cast member to "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" since most of them seems to be the chilliest people on earth.

On other news, a couple weeks back, rumors have already been swirling around the movie that there will be numerous new characters joining the cast members of "Guardian of the Galaxy" for "Guardian of the Galaxy 2." According to some reports, there will be three new members in the "Guardians" and one of these characters is very unusual.

It is rumored that Yondu (Michael Rooker) will be one of the new members of the group, while a new character Mantis will be appearing for the sequel. Last but not the least is Gamora's sister Nebula (Karen Gillian) who played the bad guy in the "Guardians of the Galaxy."

So, many exciting new details on "Guardians of the Galaxy 2. The film is set to be released May 5, 2017. 

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