'Final Fantasy', 'Bravely Default Dev' Creators Brewing a New Game: Silicon Studio, Mistwalker Announces Collaboration

Creators of "Final Fantasy" and "Bravely Default Dev" creators are starting to brew something in the near future. It has been officially announced that Silicon Studio and Mistwalker are collaborating to build a new project.

"Silicon Studio, the creator of Final Fantasy, working with Mistwalker Mr. Hironobu Sakaguchi led by the joint development of new titles start," the translated statement read, according to Silicon Studio. "Silicon Studio Corporation is going to expand the digital content-related business for the entertainment industry."

"We will inform you that you have to start the joint development of new game titles. It should be noted that the title name, the contents of the game, for the release timing, etc. will soon to be announced," it continued. "This collaboration is, in exceptional imagination with Mistwalker, a combination of technology and long-term management capabilities with the Silicon Studio, we have an object of the present invention to provide the best experience to gamers around the world."

Moreover, the joint development will offer a different kind of gaming experience, innovative and a new view of the gaming world. "Carefully made ​​with great soul story, system, graphics, sound, that bound by excellent programming technology of Silicon Studio, is an exciting work that I can feel we can make," Mistwalker Corporation CEO Hironobu Sakaguchi said.

Meanwhile, a photo of a knight wearing armor and holding a sword was seen incorporated in the announcement and a large dragon was also released as a teaser. However, the said image was made public in 2009 and; in fact, it was on the download page of Terra Battle, Game Spot reported.

The said project might be done in the same settings, but there are no official announcement from the two developers has been made so far. Mistwalker has been known as founded by Sakaguchi, the creator of Square Enix's "Final Fantasy" series.

They already released two gaming titles, like "Blue Dragon" and "Lost Odyssey," which was initially launch exclusively for Microsoft. Silicon Studio, on the other hand, was known for "3D Hot Game Heroes," Gematsu added.

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