'Wonder Woman' Release Date, News & Update: New Teaser Photo Shows All-Female Warriors

After a long while, Wonder Woman will finally have her first solo film debut as director Patty Jenkins is about to bring "Wonder Woman" movie to the big screen. To hype fans, a teaser photo featuring the all-female warriors has been circulating online.

The snap posted on Entertainment Weekly featured Diana Prince/Wonder Woman's mother Queen Hippolyta (played by Connie Nielsen). Also, two of Wonder Woman's military aunties are present: General Antiope portrayed by Robin Wright and Lieutenant Menalippe starred by Lisa Loven Kongsli.

Hyppolita, the revolutionary leader, wants to protect her daughter from the outside world. On the other hand, Antiope, who will be in charge of Wonder Woman's training, is eyeing to prepare her to be a warrior. The three women are the ones accountable for "raising and training" Wonder Woman and often have disagreements on how they will nurture her.

"Wonder Woman" director, Patty Jenkins, explained that the superior female warriors have their own ways of showing their love for Diana Prince/Wonder Woman. That's the reason why they have these arguments in raising Wonder Woman. Meanwhile, Gal Gadot revealed that the Wonder Woman in the solo movie will be different to the Diana Prince viewers saw in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice."

"The Wonder Woman that you see in 'Batman v Superman' is a woman who has been around, and she's very experienced. She understands a lot about [a] man," Gal Gadot said per io9. The Wonder Woman in the standalone film will show Diana Prince as a grown woman.

Viewers will see how Diana Prince becomes Wonder Woman, which has never been told or seen before. "When she starts this journey, she's very pure. She's more naive, she's this young idealist who does not really understand the complexities of life and the complexities of men," Gal Gadot explained.

"Wonder Woman" is set to be released on June 23, 2017. Take a loot at the upcoming "Wonder Woman" movie in the video below.

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