'The Story of God' Documentary Air Date: Morgan Freeman To Explore The Concept of God

Morgan Freeman is known for playing the role of God; now, the 78-year-old actor is going to investigate the concept of God. In a six-part special documentary called "The Story of God," Morgan Freeman is going to explore the holy lands to know everything about God.

According to Premier, Morgan Freeman will visit the sacred sites of different religions to tackle who is God for everyone. Morgan Freeman, too, is going to study the notion of evil, miracles, resurrection, the end of the world and everything related to God.

Morgan Freeman admitted that personally, the famous narrator is not a very religious person. However, Morgan Freeman believes the importance of having a connection and relationship with God.

Morgan Freeman said in an interview with Press Association that he considers himself as a man "cursed with enormous curiosity about life, people and things." Morgan Freeman explained that he, too, questioned God about his existence and purpose in the past.

And even though science has a number of explanations how things are going on, for Morgan Freeman, its justification is not enough to answer all the questions. National Geographic adds that Morgan Freeman takes the pleasure of doing "The Story of God" as he's not just bound to visit the holy places in the world, but also know things about the character he often portrays, God.

Morgan Freeman revealed that religion interests him as he got a library of spiritual books. Morgan Freeman admitted that he possessed a Quran and a number of different Bibles.

Morgan Freeman also explained that today's people often see the differences of everything and in "The Story of God" they will convey the similarities everyone still has. Also, Morgan Freeman is hoping that "The Story of God" will help people in their journey to find God.

"My hope, I suppose, is that the audience will connect and find value in "The Story of God," because I connected and found value in making it," Morgan Freeman said. "The Story of God" will start on April 13, Sunday on National Geographic Channel.

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