Did Sebastian Stan's Bucky Barnes Assassinate Black Panther's Father In 'Captain America: Civil War'?

"Captain America: Civil War" might be all about the fight between Chris Evans' Steve Rogers and Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark, but the trailers for the Marvel flick have already suggested that the real reason for the conflict is Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Soldier. But what exactly did Sebastian Stan's former Soviet assassin do in "Civil War?" There are speculations that Bucky may have assassinated Black Panther's father in the movie!

Bucky Barnes vs Black Panther

There have been "Captain America: Civil War" rumors about Chadwick Boseman's T'Challa since last year, but the most popular theory involves the death of the King of Wakanda and that the Marvel character believes The Winter Soldier is responsible for his father's murder (via Science Fiction). The trailer already shows Black Panther chasing Bucky with Captain America on his tail, but a new "Civil War" clip (via JoBlo) also shows that T'Challa has caught up with him and they get into a tense fight.

But did Bucky assassinate the King of Wakanda in "Civil War?" Although he has already shown signs that he still remembered Steve in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," there is still a possibility that Bucky is once again working under Hydra's influence. Steve Rogers might still consider him his best friend, but the years Hydra spent brainwashing Bucky Barnes into a Soviet assassin may have permanently been ingrained in Bucky.

Bucky Barnes' Other Crime

The assassination of the King of Wakanda is not the only "Civil War" rumor involving Bucky Barnes. There are also speculations that The Winter Soldier had actually murdered Tony Stark's parents.

In the comic books, Howard and Maria Stark were killed in a car accident. However, CinemaBlend reports that it is possible that "Civil War" will reveal that their deaths were covered up by Hydra.

Did Bucky Barnes murder all these people as The Winter Soldier? The truth will be revealed when "Captain America: Civil War" hits theaters on May 6.

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