Pokemon Go Latest News & Updates: Find the Legendary Pokemon, Ingress Knows Where Mewtwo Is

For the past week, players have been acquainted with the ever popular game, "Pokemon GO." Most have probably captured their first Pokemon by now. But most players are wondering where are all the Legendary Pokemons are.

So far, no one has reported catching Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Mewtwo in "Pokemon GO." And it is impossible to conclude that Niantic forgot the Legendary Pokemon. These three mystical birds are also on the logos of the three teams of Team Instinct, Team Mystic and Team Valor. So where are they now?

As of this time, "Pokemon GO" has been more of a single game and Niantic wants the game to also be a multiplayer game. If things are what it seems, "Pokemon GO" players may not be able to find the Legendary Pokemon" as they will be offered for Ingress players, according to Comicbook.

Niantic also offers its fans citywide events for Ingress players and this may be a good time to introduce the Legendary Birds. The purpose may be is to introduce Ingress players to enhance and develop the teams of "Pokemon GO."

In the first trailer of "Pokemon GO, players were gathered in Times Square to fight a Mewtwo. Afterward, Mewtwo was given as a gift to all the players playing the game. This may also be the same concept that Niantic plans on doing once they have officially announced their first Ingress for "Pokemon GO."

It is also possible that "Pokemon GO" players will have to compete against each other that is in their own team to win a Legendary Bird. Although Niantic has not provided much of the details yet.

"Pokemon GO" players should not expect a lot at this time though on whether they can find Legendary Pokemon. Niantic is still dealing with its current problems as there are massive tons of players pouring in every day. But it is safe to say that once the tides have finally settled in that Niantic may have the time to provide us with more details on where we can catch even on Legendary Pokemon.

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