How Digital Apps Can Help With Education

According to Statista, by 2017 there will be almost 270,000 million app downloads, which is not an insignificant number. Mobile apps are software applications designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Where mobile apps were originally offered as tools to speed up productivity and retrieve information e.g. calendars, e-mail and weather guides, the apps market has evolved. Presently, education is one of the most popular app categories as it lends itself well to this area.

Organizing Study Time: The app Todolist is free and available on Desktop, IOS and Android. It allows a student to schedule and organize reminders and notes, place tasks into projects, organize tasks week by week and lots more.

Paperless Note Taking: Evernote is a popular free app for IOS and Android. It is designed for note taking, organizing and archiving. It offers quick ways to jot down important information and highlight specific text. It is also great for saving documents, images and links that are found online, as well as syncing notes to a student's laptop or tablet from their phone.

Revision Assistance: Quizlet is an ideal app to assist with revision before exams. This free app is available on IOS and Android. It is known as the 'flashcard app' because it contains free study aids on almost any subject. It is helpful because it provides quizzes and games which a student can make up on their own digital flashcards.

For more details on the best apps that can help with education, see this infographic provided by Study Medicine Europe for more information.

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