New Book Leaves Critics Speechless; as UK Writer Recounts “Living Out” TV Show Through Hallucinations, Split Personality and Wider Mental Illness

Chester, United Kingdom - in 1978, the BBC first aired 'Blake's 7'; a child fantasy series that gripped over ten million young viewers and was eventually sold to twenty-five countries. But for young Steven Summer, the show was all too real. In fact, it was to become his real life.

In what could just be one of the market's most bizarre yet fascinating new books, Summer recounts his experiences of the show personifying his mental illness. It really is a story unlike anything else ever released, while simultaneously ripping to shreds the UK education system and its lack of support for children struggling with mental health issues.

Everything unravels in 'Blake's 7 Obsession - Sanity Clay'.

Synopsis: Incredible true story. Through hallucinations & split personality, boy lives out TV series FOR REAL

In devotion to your favourite TV program, how far would you go? 13 yr. old Steven Summer went to the edge....... In 1978 thirteen-year-old Steven Summer became obsessed with the science fiction, television series, Blake's Seven. Steven had an ability called synesthesia where words are strongly associated with colours. For example, Monday is brown, Tuesday is grey in the mind's eye, and Wednesday is green. Steven also possessed the ability to lucid dream. In a normal dream, the dreamer is a back seat passenger. In a lucid dream, whilst in the middle of a dream, you become aware that you are dreaming, and remain in the dream. 

Steven was born left handed, but persuaded to become right handed at school, maybe the wires got crossed a bit. He was also adopted. He was a solitary child, and considered by some, especially English teachers, to be quite creative. 

It is unknown whether any of the above factors, or none, had anything to do with Stevens most incredible ability, to willingly enter a state of voluntary insanity, to experience hallucinations. 

What was your fave television program? How near the edge would you go? Steven Summer went right to the edge of insanity, a voluntary insanity. He lived out his favourite television series FOR REAL. He could no longer see the bedroom carpet, but only the flight deck of a space battle cruiser. School teachers were hallucinated as the Evil Federation. There is stinging attack against the British Education System. With a multi personality disorder, along with the actors themselves, Steven Summer came as close as anyone, to being Blake's Seven. It was probably as good as being a Beatle, as good as being the greatest pop star or greatest film star. An experience no billionaire could buy. There was an undercurrent in the background, nearly every waking moment, of utter glamour, and utter fear. It was one of the most fantastic experiences anybody could ever have. But there was a terrible price to be paid. Steven just barely got out with his life, and his sanity. This is the incredible true story, of Blake's 7 Obsession. There is no book like this one.

Since its release, readers have come out in force with rave reviews. Frank Dawson comments, "This book raises some very disturbing questions about the education system, and the psychological damage it has done, and is still doing, to who knows how many of our children."

John Harper adds, "I found it tough going to read this as an adult. I can barely comprehend what it must have been like, for a thirteen and fourteen-year-old to have lived through it all."

Susan writes, "I am a teenager who self-harms, and I have taken an overdose. Somebody else told me about this book. They said, I warn you, this might be good for you, or it might be bad. Well I don't get told about many books that come with warnings, so that made want to read it. Well anyway I read it. I'm sure it didn't do me any harm or any good. But I did strongly identify with it. People need to know about the pressures that young people have to face."

'Blake's 7 Obsession - Sanity Clay' is available now, please click here.

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