'The Walking Dead' Season 6 Cast & Spoilers: Learn About Which Characters Who Must Die, Actor Compares New Season To Viagra

The hype about "The Walking Dead" season 6 has become even stronger as its premiere date approaches. Fans are so excited that they started speculating what to expect in the upcoming season that is filled with violence and bloody deaths.

In the show where zombies are overthrowing the civilization, it is unlikely for the main characters to enjoy a peaceful life. The show's unpredictability and boldness lead to the unexpected disposal of some members of the main cast along the way. Who would have thought that less than three seasons on the show, Lori, Shane, Dale, Andrea and Merle would encounter their gruesome deaths?, What Culture  reports.

However, despite disposing some of the characters, it seems that the show hasn't killed enough characters yet. The last season ends with every single regular character surviving from the zombie apocalypse, which means that in season 6 more survivors will be hunted down and perhaps more characters will be doomed.

The report suggests eight characters who may be ill-fated in the next season:

1. Abraham - has the potential to be the ultimate warrior in the group, but the character lacks the power and influence. He needs to have a big part in the plot or he has to die.

2. Carl - the character is the next level up on the Rick meltdown scale. The show's lead actor has soared to new heights with regards to his mental violence and the last straw could be the death of his children.

3. Tara - the character is not interesting and relevant, she will either die or serve a greater purpose in season 6.

4. Sasha - she's been wild and emotional and some of her scenes were unnecessary.

5. Rosita - the character is pointless and lacks a good storyline.

6. Deanna - the character is vulnerable and if Morgan offers survivors a third option to choose, hers could be one of the show's big death.

7. Glenn - it's been a while since the show had its last internet-breaking death and they have to show once again that they are not getting soft in handling such matter so they need to kill a heavily involved character.

8. Father Gabriel - he is struggling to adapt and has been unfaithful to the group.

On the other hand, actor Norman Reedus who plays Daryl Dixon hinted that season six will definitely be a blast and might give the same thrill and excitement as the show's first season per UnrealityTV.

"This season is so much like Season 1. It is just so big and epic.... Everything we're doing feels like we're going back to Season 1," the actor said. "Feels like Season 1 on Viagra," he added.

"The Walking Dead" premiers on Oct. 12.

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