It's important to spend time with your teen in the vehicle when they're learning how to drive. There's a lot to teach! From starting their lessons in an empty parking lot so they can learn the basics to practicing interstate driving when they're more confident, there are many situations your teen should practice so they don't come as a surprise later when they're in the car by themselves.
However, the list of things to teach your child is probably longer than you think. There are a few things that every teen driver should learn that are sometimes forgotten by their parents.
Educate Them on the Registration and Insurance on the Vehicle
Getting in the car and hitting the road seem fairly simple to a teenager, but it's important that they understand what goes into making sure the vehicle is legal to drive.
You need more than a license to drive! Explain the registration on the car, how to go about getting it, how often it is renewed, and how registration on newer vehicles always costs more than registration on older vehicles. The sticker on the license plate demonstrates a current registration to police officers, and the corresponding paperwork should be placed in the glove compartment.
Your teen will have to be added to your insurance policy, and they should understand it's important for them to be on or have their own policy whenever they get behind the wheel. Make sure you show them where your insurance card can be found in the glove compartment just in case they need to show proof of insurance while driving on their own.
Basic Maintenance
Just because you know how to drive a car doesn't mean you know how to keep that car running, and running safely. Some things need to be addressed by a mechanic, but there are plenty of things you can teach your child about doing the basic maintenance on their own vehicle.
A few simple DIY maintenance tips you can teach your teen driver include:
Checking and putting air in the tires
Reading the warning lights on the dashboard
Checking the vehicle's fluids
Cleaning and changing the windshield wipers
Charging and changing a battery
How to Deal With an Emergency
A lot can go wrong when you're driving a car, no matter how old you are. It's always a good idea to go through some of the possible emergencies your teen may experience and how to deal with them.
That includes what to do when an ambulance approaches with their lights are on, and it includes the best places to park the car if a police officer is trying to pull them over.
Discuss when it's appropriate to call 911 and make sure your child has the local police station programmed into their phone. Make sure you tell them if you have roadside service, like AAA, and how to get ahold of them if the car breaks down on the side of the road.
It's always a good idea to teach your child how to change a tire too!
Distracted Driving Is More Than Using a Cell Phone
It's worth telling your child how important it is not to drive while texting or talking on the phone, but it's common knowledge, even among teens. However, there's a lot more to distracted driving than messing with a cell phone.
Talk about other forms of distracted driving with your teen. Putting on makeup, fixing their hair, and reaching for something that has fallen to the floor can all increase their chances of an accident. You should also explain how many passengers are allowed in their car as a way to reduce distractions.
Model Good Driving Behavior
One of the most important jobs of any parent is to be a good role model. That includes every area of life, which also means demonstrating the safest way to drive behind the wheel.
This starts well before your teen gets their driver's permit, but you can model breaking bad habits for them when they're old enough to start driving. Put your cell phone in the backseat, model healthy ways to deal with road rage, and start checking your mirrors and seat placement every time you get in the car.
You've got a big job when teaching your child how to drive, but don't think it stops with teaching them how to parallel park! Make sure their education is well-rounded by following the tips on this list.