If you're pregnant, an ultrasound is part of a health examination to determine several important things about your baby.
You need to keep yourself and your baby safe. Although ultrasounds are low-risk and can be quite helpful, you need to understand what you're doing.
Read on to find out if there's a limit to how many ultrasounds you should have and what too many could do if you're not careful.
What is an Ultrasound?
An ultrasound is a simple procedure where your doctor will use a plastic piece called a transducer on your stomach. This piece transmits low-frequency soundwaves that bounce back to create an image.
Ultrasounds are used to help your doctor get a closer look at your baby while he or she is inside the womb. The results allow them to check on the health of the baby and their general condition.
An ultrasound is painless and generally safe for most people. You should see a clear image of your baby around the 13-week mark. These tests also determine the gender of your baby and other basic markers to help you gauge your progress.
How Many Ultrasounds During Pregnancy is Normal?
For most mothers-to-be, there are certain milestones where your doctor will order an ultrasound. The first one typically occurs around 10-13 weeks of pregnancy but could be sooner if there are any concerns about the development of the baby.
Either your doctor or another health care professional who is familiar with ultrasound online courses will perform the exam. The second ultrasound typically happens between 14 and 20 weeks so the doctor can check for any potential health defect.
A third ultrasound usually occurs around 18 to 20 weeks. This is also called an anatomical survey. This important test lasts a bit longer than the standard ultrasound and allows your doctor to do a general checkup before the baby is born.
If you're wondering how many ultrasounds during pregnancy is normal, it depends on your health and any red flags your doctor may see. There is no set number since everyone is different, but there are not too many in terms of a threat to your health or the baby's health and well-being.
If your doctor orders an ultrasound in the third trimester, it could be because there are potential issues with your blood pressure. Ask questions and find out what number of ultrasounds is considered normal for your unique situation.
Talk to Your Doctor Today
An ultrasound is a vital part of your wellness program if you're pregnant. If you're thinking about how many ultrasounds during pregnancy is normal, it will depend on your current health status.
There is no particular amount of ultrasounds that are considered dangerous. However, anything over three or four total could indicate that your doctor needs to monitor you closely.
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