One of the most exciting occasions for soon-to-be moms are baby showers. Planning baby showers is easy, but it can take a lot of work and time. If you think getting a party organizer for your baby shower is necessary, it is not. You can always plan your baby shower and ask a few friends to help you out. Also, party organizers can be very expensive, so you might opt for a more personal and customized baby shower.
Of course, a baby shower would not be a baby shower without some fun and exciting games. This should be one of your priorities when you're planning your baby shower. Make sure everybody has a great time.
To give you some ideas for your next baby shower, here are some fun and exciting baby shower games that you can do with your family, friends, and guests.
Write it on the diaper
This allows participation from everyone at the baby shower. Guests would get a marker and write something on baby diapers. It may be some tips that you want the pregnant couple to keep in mind while raising the baby, a funny pun about babies, parenting, and pregnancy, or even a short message for the expecting parents and the baby on the way. The diapers can be kept in a box after the baby shower and will definitely hold memories for a lifetime for the pregnant couple.
Alcohol bottle
For this baby shower game, all you need are some baby bottles and some mixed drinks. Get your friends and relatives together and have them chug the drinks from the baby bottle. The first one to finish wins and gets a prize.
Pin the sperm on the uterus
Just like the classic birthday game that every kid knows, Pin the Tail on the Donkey, you can transform it to a more adult themed game like "Pin The Sperm To The Uterus." This witty baby shower game will surely leave your guests laughing while being blindfolded and spun in circles.
Is it most likely Mommy or Daddy?
For this baby shower game, there would be a bowl or box of facts about the pregnant couple even way back when they were still kids and teenagers. Let the party guests guess who is who and to whom which fact or trait mentioned belongs to. Facts like "who's favorite snack are PB&J's?" or "who snores louder than who?" are some examples that you can put in your mystery bowl or box.
Dough baby up
For this game, all you need are some colorful clays. Party guests can mold the clay into the best baby that they can. You can make it look like a baby, or make it look like a baby alien. Either way, your guests will surely have fun molding their baby in mind and can help them interact with the other guests at the party.