Life is a blessing to each and every human being on Earth. If you've ever encountered that your child asks where does life come from, or why trees grow, or why the flowers bloom, you might want to rethink about what to tell them. Although science can prove where life comes from or how the trees and flowers grow, you can also tell them something about it that is not in science textbooks. This is what we call spiritual belief.
Spirituality is defined as the quality of being concerned with the human soul or spirit to the material or physical things. In some contexts, spirituality is a broad concept with plenty of perspectives. It comes with a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves that makes us search for meaning in life. This is also considered as a universal human experience that touches not only the heart but the very soul of each human being.
Establishing a healthy family means being healthy not only physically, mentally, or emotionally. You also have to be spiritually happy in your family. Spirituality is not to be considered the same as religion. In fact, it is more than just religious beliefs that make someone spiritual. Although spirituality can be very complex to explain to your children especially those who are at a young age, it is never a hindrance to teach and nurture them with spiritual habits. To do so, here are five ways that you can do to keep your family and children spiritually happy.
1. Teach them to "pray"
As mentioned, spirituality is not tied to a specific religion nor is it synonymous with the meaning of religion. Being spiritual means that they get to believe in something bigger than them and being grateful for their life. Prayer can come in many forms despite what religion a person is believing and following. It is practiced in many ways depending on one's religion or faith system. The only same concept in doing prayers is sending thankfulness and asking forgiveness for a Supreme Being.
2. Be thankful even in the smallest things
As a parent, you need to be a good example towards your children. Show gratefulness and be thankful for what you have right now even if it's only a small thing. Also, saying "thank you" in the household in everything that you receive should also be taught to your children. If they are taught while they are still young, they can bring this habit while they grow up and may go in the long run.
3. Read stories with a moral lesson
You can always get your family members to gather in the living room or in one's room and read out stories with moral lessons. This will also help your family members engage their thoughts and feelings about it and will let you share lessons with your children that they can keep in mind.
4. Encourage your children to think of where they think creation started
You can always ask your little ones about why do trees grow or why does the sun shines only during the day. Let their creative mind speak out and then mention the Supreme Being that exists. Through this, you can get to see what their belief is at their age and guide them to where they should put their faith in.
5. Teach them your family's belief and observance
You can introduce the way your family's belief by letting your child observe your family's spiritual doings. If they ask you questions about it, be open to answering them. Always remember that children are very curious when it comes to certain things, especially those that are connected to spirituality. Make them adapt and practice your family's way of being spiritual. This way, your child will not only be spiritually happy but will also make their relationship with the whole family stronger.