Children, as young as they are, go through a lot of development stages in life may it be physically, mentally, spiritually, or emotionally. A child, even when they are still young, should have developed a positive sense of self. As parents, it is your duty to build your children with a strong belief in themselves.They should be confident about themselves, and as parents, you should support them in any way and in everything that they do. A strong belief in themselves is one of the best gifts that you can give your children.
Children who have high self-esteem tend to be more competent as they grow older. When they know that they are truly loved and supported by their parents, they tend to have confidence in themselves in everything that they do. For parents, here are some tips that you can take in boosting your child's self-esteem.
Give your child a choice of their own. Although they are still little children, it is important for parents to let their children choose what they want even in little things. Giving them choices is one way that they can build their confidence in themselves because they get to choose what they want. But, make sure that before you set your options for them, you have preselected these options already. A simple choice between bacon or pancakes would be a good set of options that you can give them for them to decide on their own.
Let them do things on their own. Small children can now understand simple instructions such as picking their toys up after they play or putting their used clothes on the hamper before they take a bath. You can teach them how to and let them do it next time. Make it a habit for them to do it on their own. This will not only make them feel confident but they will also feel a hint of independence from you, which is also a good thing.
Nothing is perfect. Talk to your child that there are times that they will fail at some point-- and it's OK if they do. As parents, you might have expectations from your children, but you need to be careful with these expectations. Don't pressure on them. Always remember that your reaction towards their failures will be deeply remembered and they will most likely react the same way on themselves if they fail again.
Avoiding fake compliments. Simple praises will always light someone's mood up, and children are more vulnerable to praises. It's OK to give your child small compliments, but do not do it that much. Children can sense if your praises are sincere or not, so you need to be very careful with your words.
Do not compare. One common mistake that most parents do is comparing their children to their siblings, cousins, or maybe their neighbor's child. Comparing them to other people will make them feel they are not enough and that will only reduce their self-esteem. Always keep in mind that every person is different and are unique and gifted with special gifts.