As we all know, coronavirus has becoming more rampant and multiple cases are being confirmed each and every day. Almost all of the countries in the whole world have confirmed cases already, and it's becoming more vital to people as the days go by.
For adults, it is easy for them to do precautionary and safety measures against the spreading virus. Thus, it now leaves us to the children, who can be vulnerable to coronavirus especially if they are not educated well about it and are not practising safety and hygienic routines.
Although we can't control the cleanliness of what you can touch outside your homes, such as when you go on public transportation and touch surfaces in stores and buildings, you can focus on what you can control-- which is your home. There are tons of things that you can do to protect your family and children from getting coronavirus, and you can always start at home.
According to the president of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Connie Steed, there are some tips and safety measures that every family homeowner and its members can do to keep them from getting coronavirus. These tips contain more of the basic coronavirus prevention that is already been disseminated through news, blogs, magazines, and health institutes to the public. For you and your family to be safe from the virus, here are some tips that you can do to protect yourself and your whole family from it.
Always keep your home surroundings clean.
Coronavirus has been confirmed airborne, which means anyone who is in contact or is near a person who has an infected respiratory system may spread it to you and your family. The virus spreads like wildfire when a person is in contact with an infected person. However, you can also be infected if you touch surfaces and objects that are dirty and if a person who is infected has also touched that surface or object. According to CDC, if you touch something that has been touched by an infected person and you touch your eyes, mouth, or nose, you will most likely get infected as well.
With this, it is important to clean your hands with soap and water from time to time. Hand sanitizers and rubbing alcohol can also do the job.
Use the right cleaning supplies.
When you clean your house and your surroundings, it is important to get the right cleaning supplies and use the appropriate ones in a specific type of cleaning. You may need to use mops and sponges, but avoid reusing them because this will also spread infection. Experts and doctors would recommend using wipes and disposable cloths when wiping and cleaning surfaces. Disposables are really ideal at times like this because you will only get to use them once.
However, if you are environment-conscious and you opt to use reusable sponges and cloths, make sure to clean them in hot water and dry them out of the hottest dryer setting after you use it. For mops, you should rinse it in hot water and air dry them after use.
Clean your electronics as well.
This might sound funny to most people since electronics are not mean washing and cleaning them literally with water. Since you use your phones everywhere, even at school or at work, it can also attract dust and bacteria that can get you infected with coronavirus. You can always wipe your phone's screen and your other electronics and gadgets with wipes to keep it from potential dust and virus from time to time.
Always keep your bathroom and kitchen clean.
We prepare our food and meals in the kitchen, and since we take in food through our mouths, it is important to keep the kitchen clean. Arrange plates, drinking cups and glasses, and utensils neatly and cleanly. Always wash them with dishwashing soap and water. For the bathroom, where our hygienic routine happens, keep all surfaces clean and disinfected, especially the toilet, sink, and shower. It is also best to arrange your grooming essentials and keep it away from each other as possible, such as toothbrushes.
ALSO READ: American Schools Prepping for Coronavirus