The nonstop increase in the number of people contracting the coronavirus brought some men the fear of not only being infected but also of being unable to reproduce. They are concerned that if ever they contract the coronavirus, their fertility might be affected. Hence, many men resort to freezing their sperm cells to have something to use once the pandemic is over.

Sperm Cryopreservation
The process of freezing human sperm cells to preserve them and to be used for in vitro fertilization is called sperm cryopreservation. Human sperm cells can be used after storing for 40 years.
Sperm cryopreservation is quite popular these days according to semen storage facilities. Although there is little evidence if the coronavirus affects fertility long-term, some men would rather be safe than sorry.
The manager of at-home sperm collection firm, CryoChoice reported to the Daily Beast that there are a lot of inquiries coming from people who are scared of the coronavirus, and most of them are making purchases.
Heather Kilpatrick said that their sales have increased by about 20 percent recently. Staff at at-home start-up Legacy said that orders multiplied by ten compared to their usual. Another start-up company, Dadi, said that more people are buying five years of sperm storage.
Collection and freezing process
Storage facilities shared that they send collection kits to their customers, and then they mail back after loading. Once the staff receives the sperm, they would test them first before storing them in the freezer. Customers would have an additional charge for the testing.

Women are also freezing eggs
Not only men, but women have been freezing their eggs too. A Manhattan fertility clinic said that women have been pushing to get their eggs frozen. The director of CCTM Fertility, NY, Dr. Brian Levine, told the New York Post that their phone has been ringing nonstop.
He added that in five days, he saw a 25 percent increase in the number of people who want to have their eggs frozen. Some even told him that they want to do the procedure immediately. He also shared that there was one time that he rendered 3.5 hours of overtime to see patients and have consultations over the phone.
The science director of the sperm storage facility of Dadi, Grace Centola, said that they could not tell their patients not to worry about the fever now because they will be better in three months. Because she knows that they will be upset and go crazy, because to them, there is no time to lose.