Winter is over, and the spring has once again arrived. It is that time of the year again to put away the seasonal coats. And while you're still at keeping the coats, it is likewise the perfect time for some extensive closet cleaning!
Organizing experts have different ways of cleaning closets or houses in general. Online, you may find tips from Instagram influencers, Style Sisters, and the Japanese professional organizer, Marie Kondo.
Along with these are other tips on how to extensively clean closets. Here is the trimmed down list of those:
1. Let go.
One of the best ways of cleaning a closet is to clear up some space first. Go through every item in the closet and ask yourself the following questions:
Does it still fit?
Sometimes, we tend to cling on an item of specific clothing because we have this aspiration to lose weight. Because of this, it creates a tendency to still keeping clothes that no longer fit. If that seems to be the case, then maybe it is about time to let go.
In terms of baby clothes, keeping the items that no longer fit your kid would sound useless; unless you are planning to have another baby.
Have we worn this in the last twelve months?
If clothes are not worn by anyone in the family in the last twelve months, then letting go at this point is probably the best idea. If clothes are staying hanged for the past year, that is maybe because you no longer see it as something that you would like to wear or has gone out of style already.
Is it stained or damaged?
If your answer is yes, ask yourself again, "Will we have this repaired?" If you answered no, then let it go as well. There is no longer any reason for you to keep that item because it will only eat up space inside the closet.
2. Do not let nostalgia cloud your judgment.
It is understandable that something - even clothes - could carry so many memories. But when cleaning a closet, it is only practical that you only choose what you can wear. Clothes are meant to be worn, so anything that no longer serves that purpose for you should be let go.
3. Remove everything that doesn't belong.
Inside our closet are not just clothes. Sometimes, there are bags or other accessories that are shoved at the back and are forgotten. Again, if it no longer serves its purpose, then it should be removed from the closet.
4. Use dividers
Style Sisters Gemma Lilly and Charlotte Reddington told Fox News in an interview that to keep a closet organized, shelf dividers and hangers should be utilized. Marie Kondo also shares the same ideal: that organizing should be done in categories.
Aside from all of these tips, organizing experts believe that one spring cleaning day will not suffice to make sure that the clutter will not be there. They also think that visiting the re-organized closet at least once a week could also help.