Gavin was a fairly average-sized baby when he was born. However, now that he is three, he already stands 43 inches.
When Gavin was born, he weighed 6 pounds abd 15 ounces, and measured 19 inches long. But after that day, he grew so fast. His mother, Kat told BuzzFeed News that they went to the doctor for regular checkups, and they noticed that Gavin's growth curve is off the charts, which started right after birth.
Gavin is a very happy and healthy kid. He loves birthdays, Halloweens, and M&M's candy. He loves playing in their farm in American Midwest with his mom, dad Galen, and his 16-year-old brother Caleb. They are all studying and working at home due to the global health crisis.
On Saturday, Kat got to know TikTok when Caleb introduced it to her. Kat studied how to use the platform by scrolling through it the whole day and tried to share Gavin to the public. Little did she know that it would make Gavin an instant online star.
Kat said that she woke up on Sunday and told her husband that she is going to make their three-year-old baby famous. So she shared videos of Gavin using her account @kat.027 and showed the world how Gavin does what other toddlers are also doing, like playing in the mud. On one of the videos, Gavin is shown driving their car, although he actually is just fooling around.

Kat noticed that netizens are growing fond of the TikTok videos that she has uploaded on Sunday evening, but she just ignored them. To her amazement, the next morning, her videos went viral.
She remembered that Caleb woke her up and told her that she had so many views. Since Sunday, her videos have more than 18.5 million views and nearly one million likes. The highest views she garnered was from the video of Gavin jumping up and down on his father's back as Galen laid on the bed. It had 9 million views.
Most of the people are supportive of how adorable Gavin is, or they could just be shocked by his size, but there are also some who had negative things to say. One person tweeted the jumping video and added a caption showing how disgusted she is with the giant baby. Her post was retweeted 35,000 times and got three hundred thousand likes.
Kat said that there were both good and bad comments from people. Some are funny, while others are mean, and some of it too harsh. She just said, "He is what he is." Initially, the harsh comments hurt her, but in the end, they did not take it as a big deal. She realized that people can be mean online because they could hide behind a mask.
Even though Gavin is not yet aware that he is a sensational star online, Kat has no plans on stopping sharing his videos. Kat admits that in 20 years, she knows that Gavin would hate her for what she is doing right now, but she just wants to bring joy to the people, especially in the current situation that the world is facing.