Amid a global pandemic, some good news puts a smile on everyone's faces. In Sparta, New Jersey, a group of Spart police officers is becoming the source of good news.
Within six weeks, Sparta Police Officers have helped in delivering two babies in their town.
Officer Brian Porter has been joking around about having a new career, as just recently, they were able to help deliver the second baby in their town, who needed their help.
According to Brian, every police officer knows how to deliver a baby because it was part of their training in the academy. He said, "We learn this in the academy, but some guys go 25 years without ever getting to deliver a baby." Although it sounds very unusual to some, Brian considers himself to "have been lucky."
Sparta police deliver first baby
On March 24, Sparta Police Officers Brian Porter, Chris Favaro, and Cpl. Kurt Morris received a call from the home of Lindsey Schlott and Brad Scheller.
Brad said that when his wife's due date was drawing near, they were concerned that he would not be allowed to be by his wife's side because of the precautionary measures during the pandemic. Hence, the couple worked with their doula and obstetrician to try a few techniques.
Linsdey, according to Brad, has very high pain tolerance. When the doctor said they already needed to come to the hospital, it was late because Lindsey was already feeling the baby is coming.
Brad, through the suggestion of his mother-in-law, called 911.
With the help of the doctor on the phone, police officers Porter, Favaro, and Morris were able to deliver a healthy baby boy.
Lindsey and baby Dylan Charlie Scheller were brought to the hospital through an ambulance.
Lindsey and Brad are very thankful for the help of the three officers, but at the same time, the three police personnel are also happy about the experience that they had.
Sparta police deliver second baby
Little did the three officers know that one of them was going to deliver another baby six weeks after the Scheller baby came out.
Officer Brian Porter, with Officers Tom Herd, Mike Poon, and Phil Longo, was called by Bryan Bayer into his house.
Bayer's wife, Nicole, was about to give birth when the police arrived.
As soon as Porter saw the mom, he said, "Believe it or not, I've done this before." This statement made the mother feel relaxed.
After Officer Porter delivered the baby, the umbilical cord was around his neck, but it wasn't so bad at all. Porter shared that as soon as he was able to remove the cord and cleared out his mouth, the baby boy has crying within 30 seconds.
0-2 on getting a baby named Brian
After two births, Officer Porter jokingly shared that he still does not have a baby named after him.
For the Bayers, they already have two Bryans (the father and their first child), so they decided not to name the newborn 'Brian.'
Officer Porter said that their squad's experiences had become a way to have real bonding.