After giving birth, a mom would usually be so busy with the little one that sometimes she forgets to take care of herself anymore. As much as you want to give all your time and effort to your little one, it is just as important to take care of yourself because if the mother is unwell, then how can she provide for the needs of her baby?
Now that there is a pandemic, it is more stressful knowing that you have a little one that is vulnerable to the virus, and if you are breastfeeding your baby, you are also at risk of getting infected with the disease. So what can you do to keep yourself healthy during a pandemic?

How to Manage Postpartum Health During a Pandemic
Connect with Peers Virtually
Call your family and friends when the baby is asleep. This will help you regenerate the energy that you have lost and help keep you sane from juggling being a wife and a new mom together. This will also help you share your new experiences so that you could have a breather.

Join Mommy Groups Online
Mommies understand mommies better because they share the same experiences. More often, women in these groups know how you feel because, at some point in their lives, they could have experienced what you are experiencing right now. They would help give you ideas on how to do things, especially those that are new to you.
Share Responsibilities with Your Partner
Seek the help of your partner if possible so you would not feel burdened from taking care of the baby alone. Say after you have breastfed your baby, ask your partner if he may help burp the baby or let him change diapers. When you are tired, try to give the baby to your partner so that he could play with the little one. This will help foster a father-child relationship. You may also seek the help of your partner in calming the baby or making the baby sleep so that you could have some me-time or you could take longer showers.

Exercise Your Mind
Instead of Netflixing the whole day, why not try to finish the book that you have been wanting to read? You would thank yourself in the long run if you used your time quarantining wisely. Exercising your mind is good for mental health and could help relieve you of boredom. You could write everyday events into a journal or you could read articles that could help you to care for your little one. Why not read books about the place that you would want to go see in the future with your little one?
Get Some Fresh Air
Caring for a newborn is hard especially for moms because you have to give your baby the care that he needs and at the same time, you have to wait for your postpartum body to return to its normal state before you could function normally. Whenever you can, get some fresh air to clear your mind off the tiredness that you are feeling.