What should you do if your child shows signs of screen dependency? If you suspect that your child is developing screen addiction, it is best to address it as soon as possible. Here are some surefire ways to handle screen addiction.

Limit the Amount of Time
According to the guidelines created in 2016 by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), children below 18 months should have no screen time except for video chatting. Then from 18 to 24 months, children are allowed to watch quality programming. Children ages 2 to 5 may have a screen time of one hour per day. Those ages 6 years and above could be allowed to view screens with a limited amount of time.

Utilize Screen Time Wisely
Besides limiting the number of time kids spend on screens, it would be better to choose the applications being used by your children with their gadgets. Opt for educational and interactive applications that could help in the development of your children. Be the one to download the applications, and screen them first before you allow your kids to play with them.
Avoid Early Introduction
If your child has not been exposed to gadgets yet, it is okay to delay the introduction to them because it could help prevent screen addiction when they grow older. Do not be afraid to tell family and friends not to give your child video games. It will never be too late to teach your kids to use screens when they grow older.

Allow Kids to Play
Let your children have an unstructured play because it helps stimulate creativity. Give them physical toys so they would be tp busy to even look for and play with gadgets. There are many old-fashioned educational toys sold in the market that could help with the physical, emotional, and mental development of your children.
Be a Role Model
Children love imitating their parents or adults that surround them. Limit your screen time; instead, spend more quality time with them. That way, they would not be tempted to use screens because they are too busy bonding with you than to get hold of the gadget to play.

Seek the Help of Others
Reality TV personality and mom Whitney Port uploaded a video on her YouTube channel in her series "I Love My Toddler, But," where she shared her and her husband's struggles about parenting their son. Followers posted their comments to cheer her up while sharing that they are also experiencing the same struggles as her.
Another way that you can do is to join parenting groups online where parents share and give encouragement to fellow parents so that you could learn about things that you could do to handle situations that are new to you.
More often, children like it when their parents play with them rather than playing with their toys or gadgets, so it would be better for you to allot a specific time of the day to spend time with them to prevent your children from having a screen addiction.