During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles expand to create space for the growing baby. This leads to abdominal separation which is referred to as diastasis recti.
After giving birth, diastasis recti may not heal immediately, and your core muscles may remain weak because of the separation. Thus, you could experience problems such as back pain and pelvic issues.
In some women, diastasis recti heal well with time but in others, it does not. Once you deliver your baby, it is important to identify whether you have it or not.
If you realize that you have diastasis recti, don't freak out because it is possible to fix it. This text presents you with five essential tips to improve your diastasis recti after giving birth:
1. Rebuild Your Core
Diastasis recti is usually accompanied by weak abdominal muscles. When your core is weak, its functionality is limited and the gap won't close easily.
Therefore, you need to find exercises that will help you strengthen your core. The best workouts for strengthening your core are those that engage your inner ab muscles and pelvic floor.
You should avoid workouts that build pressure on your abdomen as they will only worsen the gap.
2. Practice Diaphragmatic Breathing
Unlike breathing with your upper chest, diaphragm breathing helps in reducing pressure inside your abdomen.
Diastasis recti will heal easily when there is less pressure in your abdomen.
To practice diaphragm breathing, lie down on your back and put your hands on the ribcage. Then inhale in such a way that you can feel the rib cage moving outwards and backward. Repeat this several times a day.
3. Improve Your Posture
The right body alignment helps in relieving the intra-abdominal pressure.
To attain the right posture, you must ensure that your abdominal, pelvic, and thoracic parts are aligned in a vertical line. Simply, try to have just the right posture and avoid curving your upper back.
4. Practice Diastasis Recti Exercises
There are plenty of exercises for diastasis recti that can be done after delivery. Here are some of them;
Pelvic Tilts
Start with hands and knees in a neutral spine. Inhale deeply into the sides of the ribcage, then breathe out with a kegel while drawing your lower back down. Inhale when returning to the neutral position. Repeat this ten times and remember to be gentle and conscious.
This exercise is considered to be the most effective as it targets the deep abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles.
Side Planks
Lie on side with your legs together and one hand directly below your shoulder supporting you. Contract your core and raise your hips gently to achieve a straight line from head to feet. Stay in the position for about 10 seconds, then repeat the exercise on the other side.
Sit tall or stand straight then inhale and exhale like you want to blow out candles. As you blow, ensure that you feel your core draw inwards and get tightened. This will automate the core and improve its functionality.
Leg Extension
Lie flat on your back with legs positions on a hip-width apart, then inhale while drawing your right knee a bit up with your hands framing your knee. As you breathe out, try to reach your leg on a top diagonal without letting your back to curve.
Do this exercise ten times daily, then after sometimes use two legs.
5. Eat the Right Foods
The food you eat after pregnancy will affect your diastasis recti. Ensure that you eat foods rich in fiber, vitamin c, essential fatty acids, and iron. These nutrients will boost your digestive system and prevent bloating.
Proper nutrition will also accelerate your healing by providing the required nutrients to the healing tissues.