For some, parenting a teenage daughter is a dream come true that is flawlessly easy. For others, it's still a dream come true, but takes a lot more effort. What do teenage girls need to learn? How do I deal with dating? Does her door need to be shut? What gifts would she like? Why does she cry so much? While we can't help with most of those questions, we can help parents of teenage girls on the subject of jewelry. So today we'll be looking at jewelry tips for parents of teenage girls. Prepare to be enlightened!
The teen years are all about discovering identity. Teenage girls are asking themselves who they are, what they like, and what type of women they want to grow up to be. Naturally, this search for self makes things like zodiac signs, Harry Potter houses, personality quizzes and birthstones all highly visible on the teenage radar. So when buying jewelry for teens, try picking out colors and designs that reflect these things. For example, when you visit Adina's Jewels, you find a line of snake jewelry, which is perfect for the stylish Slytherin girl. It's a Harry Potter thing. Or choose pieces that reflect what she wants to be when she grows up - jewelry with stars, for example, if she wants to be an astronomer or astrophysicist.
Making friends is another important task of the teenage years, for all genders. Girls especially love to express their friendships with jewelry, making friendship jewelry wildly popular. And the pieces can't be just matching, they need to expressly point out the friendship in some way. For example, teenage BFFs who both love Zootopia would go wild over best friend necklaces that say "Dumb Bunny" and "Sly Fox". These show off both their friendship, and the individuality of each girl. According to Medium, even better are homemade, DIY friendship bracelets.
Being seen as a young woman, rather than a child, is important to girls in their teenage years. Milestone jewelry is popular for this reason, as these pieces mark that they are now responsible enough to own jewelry for a woman. And of course there's the coming-of-age story that will forever be attached to the pieces. In a NY Post article the author talks about how jeweler Julez Bryant-DeCosta took her daughter on a tour of Italy when she turned 16, and gifted her with a ring on the first morning in every new city. That daughter is now a jewelry designer herself, and carries with her the jewelry, and just as important, the story and memory.
From child to adulthood, women attach greater meaning to their jewelry than simply how it looks. Ask any woman about the pieces she's wearing, and you'll get a story about where it came from, what it represents, or why she loves it. Ask any woman about the pieces in her jewelry box at home, and you're likely to learn a lot about the women in her life she loved and who influenced her. Jewelry given to teenage girls should take into account the fact that for women, jewelry is more than just jewelry. It's a reflection of personality, a reminder of loved ones, a pretty tie to cherished memories, a token of friendship, and so much more.