Babies who transitioned into solid foods through the baby-led weaning approach have different milestones. Since you let your baby lead their way into table foods, they follow their own pace. It means that each baby is different. Even twins would have different preferences on what food to eat and when they eat.
If you hear other moms bragging that their babies finished their plate right away upon starting BLW, do not be discouraged. You have to be patient with your little one. To help you out with your baby-led weaning journey, here are effective tips for success.
See also: What is Baby-Led Weaning?

Same food as the whole family
Never feed infants below 12 months of age with sugar and salt. Their kidneys are not fully developed, so if you plan to prepare food the same as adults, add salt or sugar after setting your baby's share aside.
Cut food into finger sizes
You might be tempted to cut the food into smaller sizes thinking that it would help your baby eat. In reality, your baby could not get smaller pieces of food because they have not yet developed the pincer grasp. This ability is learned only in the later months before they turn one year old.
They could only pick up larger slices of food from six months. That's when they can bring food to their mouths. You could refer to the length and thickness of your finger when cutting food. Make sure to cut choking hazards or those that might block your little one's airways.

Do not panic when baby gags.
When your baby turns red, has watery eyes, and coughs up food, do not panic. Chances are your baby is learning the gagging reflex. If you panic and your baby sees you, he might panic as well and consequently choke.
See also: Baby Led Weaning: 5 things you need to know before you start
Babies have the natural gag reflex that helps them push food that has traveled to the back of their mouths back to the front. So if you see your baby gagging, relax and tell him, "it's okay."
Find an easy to clean high chair.
Among the cons of baby-led weaning is the mess. It would be helpful if your baby's high chair is easy to clean, better if it is either plastic or has silicon covering for easy cleaning. Have your little one wear plastic bibs so it would be easier to wash after eating. You'll find the detailed pros and cons of BLW by clicking here.
Go with the flow
Some babies eat the food served on them right away, while some take weeks, or even months before they realize that what is in front of them is food. Be patient. They will eat when the time is right. Never force-feed them because it could traumatize your infants who could lead to them hating eating.
If your baby keeps spitting out the food, keep reintroducing. Sometimes, it takes 20 tries before a baby finally accepts food.