Getting married is one of the important events in a person's life. Marrying couples go through all the hassle of preparing for their weddings.
Wedding venues, dresses, guest lists, and a lot more are given ample time for preparation.
However, most of the time, the wedding vows come last in the list of the things to do.
Wedding vows would be that part of the wedding that guests listen intently. These are the ones which marrying couples use to profess their love for each other.

Writing the wedding vows can sometimes be daunting. All of your feelings cannot be put into words that easily.
That is why wedding experts suggest that marrying couples follow this guide when writing their wedding vows:
Consider the length of your wedding vows
Understandably, you would want to declare your love for your partner in the best way you can. Sometimes, this means talking about them in a lengthy manner.
According to wedding planners, wedding vows should run for two minutes at a maximum. This way, it will not wear down the guests, and the vows will not lose its charm.
Select, don't compress
Narrating all the good memories of trying to fit in the wedding vows how wonderful your journey is, could be good. However, it is impossible to do this. That is why marrying couples should try to list down what they want to say and choose among all of these.
Choose a structure for your wedding vows and follow it
Some of the common structures that marrying couples can follow:
- Love declaration. In this portion, the person preparing the vow can write down how much their partner means.
- Promises and intentions. This portion is where things become personal. This part declares the promise of loving, cherishing, and honoring each other.
Try to put in some humor
When the wedding is over and years have passed, you would want to remember that moment as a happy one. Making your partner smile (or even laugh) is a good start for the marriage.
Guests will surely enjoy having a good laugh too.
Keep the wedding vows a secret
According to, wedding vows are like your wedding gifts to each other. No one wants the element of surprise in a gift removed. So keeping the wedding vows a secret is just a must.
Besides, hearing the vows for the first time is more impactful.
Read and be inspired
There are a lot of good wedding vows that can be found online. These vows may serve as an inspiration or guide on how you will write your own.
It will not be copied as yours will be a version of what you feel.