What is a chemical pregnancy? According to experts, this is when pregnancy is lost a little after implantation. It can happen even when the pregnancy test just turned positive.
When chemical pregnancy occurs, a woman experiences heavy bleeding.
Why does a chemical pregnancy happen?
Aside from knowing what is a chemical pregnancy, it is also essential to understand why this occurs.
Experts say that in a chemical pregnancy, the fertilized egg does not complete implantation.
The pregnancy test turns positive at first because the egg implant in the uterus has already begun producing the pregnancy hormone, hCG.
What are the signs and symptoms of chemical pregnancy?
In knowing what is a chemical pregnancy, women should also watch out for the possible signs and symptoms of a chemical pregnancy.
According to Everyday Health, this condition happens early in the pregnancy, so a woman may not even realize they have already conceived. That is because chemical pregnancy occurs shortly after the implantation. Usually, chemical pregnancy happens 10 to 14 days after conception.
Since it happens at the early stages of the pregnancy, there are no apparent pregnancy signs yet, like fatigue and nausea.
Here are some of the signs and symptoms:
Cramps that are like that of menstrual cramps
Bleeding heavily
Passing clots from the reproductive organ
It would be best if professional help is called when these signs and symptoms are experienced after having the pregnancy test turn positive.
Women who get pregnant after thirty-five years old are subject to more risk of experiencing chemical pregnancy.
After undergoing IVF or in vitro fertilization, chemical pregnancy may also occur.
There is no known specific treatment for this condition. However, this does not mean that pregnancy is going to be impossible.
Women who experience chemical pregnancy may still have a healthy pregnancy journey. The best way to address this is first to know what caused a woman's chemical pregnancy.
In doing so, the problem will be addressed, and miscarriage due to this condition will be avoided.
Discussing options with a medical professional can be a big help. Simultaneously, emotional support may be available, as going through a miscarriage can be devastating for most women.