How to lower triglycerides?
You just had your annual checkup, and you found out that your triglyceride levels increased. While you need fats to provide you with energy, too much of it does not do your heart good.
High levels of triglycerides could clog your arteries, thus likely leading you to get a heart attack or stroke. However, do not fret just yet. There are 11 ways to lower triglycerides naturally.
Avoid sugar
Simple sugars like fructose can raise triglyceride levels. It is the type of sugar that makes the fruits that you eat sweet. Try to limit your fruit intake, and better yet, avoid foods made with added sugar, such as candies, soda, baked goods, cereals, ice cream, and flavored yogurt.

See also: 8 Foods That Curb Sugar Cravings Effectively
Know the different types of sugar
Food labels often have hidden sugars written in varied terms. To give you a clue, most of them end in "ose" like dextrose, maltose, lactose, glucose, and sucrose. Others that you have to look out for are cane sugar, cane syrup, honey, malt sugar, molasses, and fruit juice concentrates.
Eat good fats
Eating the right kind of fats help increase your good fats in your body. They are found in avocados, walnuts, almonds, chicken breast, and olive oil. Avoid processed food because they contain trans fats that are bad for health.
See also: How to Detox Using Virgin Coconut Oil Cleanse
Take more fish
To lower your triglycerides, eat foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids. At least twice a week, eat fish like herring, lake trout, salmon, mackerel, sardines, albacore tuna as they contain the most omega 3.

Good greens
Besides fish, flaxseeds, spinach, kale, beans, and Brussel sprouts are good sources of omega 3.
Omega 3 supplements
Not everyone needs to take this especially if you could get them from the food that you eat. An excess of this compound could cause bleeding. If you plan to take them, ask your doctor first. Take capsules with EPA and DHA.
Weight loss
An excess weight particularly around the waist could cause increased triglyceride levels. While it may not have a dramatic effect, it could help lower the deadly fat.
To lose weight, one of the things that you need to do is exercise. Try to work out for 30 minutes at least three to five times a week. Make sure to start slow and consult with your doctor first before you start any routine.
See also: Weight Loss Could Help You Prevent Certain Cancers, Study Proves
Eat more fiber
Choose whole grains over food made of refined white flour. Eat oats, veggies, brown rice, or quinoa.
Avoid alcohol
If you need to unwind, you may opt to drink sparkling water with lime juice to replace alcohol. You may also drink herbal iced tea blend without sweetener. Take note that some people get raised triglycerides even with small amounts of alcohol.
If all else fails, your doctor might prescribe you a drug to help get you back on track. Fibrates, statins, niacin, or high-dose fish oil could help protect your heart health.