It's every parent's nightmare to get a call from their child's daycare, telling them that there has been an accident. When you drop your child off in the morning, you are relying on the daycare to keep your child safe, but as every parent knows, accidents happen when children are involved.
It's up to you to determine whether your child's injuries at daycare result from simple childhood play or negligence. The daycare staff is required to provide the proper care for each child under their watch. If negligence has led to your child being hurt, you may need to take your case further.
It's easy to let emotion guide your actions when it comes to your children. However, if your child gets hurt while at daycare, there are some critical steps that you need to take to protect your rights. Talk to a legal professional like the injury experts to get expert advice on your situation. Let's take a look at a few steps that parents can take if your child is injured at daycare.
Formal Report
A phone call to a parent is not considered a formal report of an injury. Some daycare facilities may be reluctant to fill out any paperwork other than an incident report. You can insist that a managing partner file a formal accident report while providing you with a copy. Talk to the teachers that were present during the incident and ask them for their statements.
Seek Medical Care
If medical help was not called to the site after an accident at your child's daycare, you must have them see your doctor as soon as possible. Younger children may not be able to communicate verbally about their injuries, so they should be formally examined. Many injuries, such as head trauma and hairline fractures, can take days to start displaying symptoms.
Your child is unlikely to be able to give you the whole picture about what caused their injury when they were at daycare. It's up to you to fill in the gaps and start gathering evidence about the incident. Start by talking to all of the teachers and supervisors on site during that day and getting them to make formal statements.
According to https://www.injuryclaimnyclaw.com/brooklyn/, You have the right to request copies of any video surveillance or CCTV footage that may have caught the incident on camera. Make sure that the verbal testimony of events matches what you see on the video footage.
Keep all of your child's medical records, schedule of appointments, medications, and recommended treatments. It's best to keep a medical journal to keep all your documents and track their condition.
Consult a Lawyer
During your investigation, if you suspect that your child's daycare injury happened due to negligence, you should consult an attorney. A personal injury lawyer can help you navigate the legal system, build your case, and protect your child's rights. You may be able to get compensation for medical bills and lost wages due to caring for your injured child.
No parent wants to think about their child getting injured, but accidents happen. If your child is injured while at daycare, it's up to you to act on their behalf. Do your research, get the required medical assistance, and investigate the incident's circumstances so that you have a clear picture of what happened.