A teen with special needs is looking for a family. According to the adoption specialist who handles his case, he could live better with a male figure in the family.
The 15-year old boy, Dylan, is one of the many kids handled by the Aid to Adoption of Special Kids (AASK).
The teen who is looking for a family
Compared to other kids of his age, Dylan is not a teen full of drama. According to Kayla, the adoption recruiter for Dylan's case, Dylan is a very cheerful teen who is looking for a family.
In an article by Daily Independent, Kayla shared, "He is literally, the most chill, laid back kid."

Some of the interests of the 15-year-old boy is to play outdoors. According to Kayla, "Dylan loves playing baseball and splashing in the pool."
In terms of food, Dylan loves macaroni and cheese and loves to eat at Panda Express.
The teen with special needs enjoys sharing stories about video games. Some his favorite TV shows are Wolverine, SpongeBob and "The Avengers."
The teen who is looking for a family is already in tenth grade and is in an Individualized Education Program (IEP). He loves going to school because according to him, "I like to be on the honor roll."
Also, the young boy enjoys all kinds of experiments, which is why he loves the subject, Science. Recently, the teen received an award in his school.
On the AASK website, Dylan is described as caring, funny, intelligent, creative, and likable.
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The family for the teen with special needs
Based on the observations of the Aid to Adoption of Special Kids (AASK), Dylan would be needing a home with two parents. However, he could also do well in a family headed by a single father.
The adoption recruiter assigned to the teen with special needs believes that the young boy does well with a strong male figure. Kayla emphasizes, "So having that in the home is going to be important."
Aside from this, AASK believes that Dylan will get along well with older siblings in the family.
On their website, ASSK said that in finding his forever home, Dylan "needs supportive parents who can provide him with firm and consistent limits and boundaries."
How to adopt Dylan?
If you are interested to adopt Dylan, you may contact Aid to Adoption of Special Kids. They have a website and they may be reached by phone at 602-930-4900.
Other kids, who are under the care of AASK, still need a family. So if you are interested to adopt, you may reach them through the details mentioned.