It's enjoyable being a mother because you get to witness your kids growing up and discovering so many things about themselves and the world. Of course, you want to be there for them every step of the way to capture those beautiful moments while they're still under your wing. Time will come that they will have to leave you, and that part sucks.
However, it is undeniable that being a first-time mom is already challenging despite all the fun and enjoyment. How much more when a second baby arrives? But worry not because it's not as difficult as you think it is. Preparation is key. Thus, listed below are nine essential tips to prepare for the coming of your beautiful second baby's arrival.
Create a New Budget
Having a second child is costly because you will now consider both of your kids' needs. You need to establish a new budget plan to cater to all your possible expenses. Therefore, prepare a budget for everything associated with your second baby, which includes new baby clothes, baby milk bottles if you can't breastfeed for a longer time, diapers, and medical check-ups, and whatnot.
Creating a new budget will lessen all the difficulty that you will have to undergo again since you are financially prepared with all that you have to spend. More importantly, you will evade the hassle of looking for money from anyone else.
Consider Buying A New Stroller
You'll no longer be dealing with your first-born child because there are two of them already. And perhaps your first child is now a toddler who needs more of your attention. Thus, you can no longer plan to stroll at the park or go somewhere safe only with your new baby. You must take your eldest child with you to avoid tantrums and jealousy. Therefore, you don't need a single stroller anymore but a stroller for multiple children.
Indeed, having to care for a toddler and a newborn is too much already. A stroller that could cater to many children lessens the burden.
Get Your First-born Adjusted
Being an older sibling is challenging since it's time for them to move on from being mommy's only baby. That's why you need to plan while you're pregnant to aid your child to adjust to his new daily life. For instance, you may buy your child a toddler bed if your newborn will be using your first child's crib. This way, it is easier for your first-born to understand his new role in the family. And remember to explain to him the changes at home gradually.
Get A Babysitter
There's no problem if you want to be a hands-on mom. It is even best advised to be the one personally taking care of your kid. But if you're a mother of two or more, getting a babysitter doesn't hurt. This way, you won't worry and feel guilty for sneaking in a quick nap because the babysitter is there looking out for your children. And while you prepare for your children's food and milk, the babysitter will take your place in taking care of your kids.
It's a practical thing to reuse some old baby stuff like pillows, baby bags, cribs, pairs of shoes, and the like, exceptionally when they're well-taken. As long as these things are clean, durable, and still serve your newborn's needs, then you must use them. Your infant won't know that they are handed-down. Plus, it saves you a lot of money and time.
Negotiate Assistance From Your Husband
Of course, your husband is tired of work too. And the first thing he needs when he gets home is your care and some rest. But asking for assistance from your husband won't hurt his manhood. The infant he'll take care of is his child too, and his love for you goes beyond measure! For sure, he can't stand seeing you so exhausted. Thus, you may ask him to cradle your infant if he wakes up crying at dawn while you catch your sleep.
Exercising allows you to release happy hormones called endorphins. You will need a lot of these because there will be significant changes in your body that are nso desirable. You may have gained a lot of weight. But bear mind that nothing is embarrassing about it because it's a normal pregnancy and giving birth process.
Remember that it's crucial to feel good about yourself now that you're a mother of two because you cannot lose yourself just because you're a mom already. And exercising will help you not only lose those unwanted fats but also feel good about yourself.
Having a second baby is no joke. Taking care of two or more children is a handful. So the best thing you must do to convert motherhood into a fantastic and enjoyable journey is to prepare. As most people say, preparation is half of the battle. And when you master it, you won't have much of a problem. You're a supermom. Keep that in mind.