It's essential that music should be incorporated into a child's life as early as possible. Despite the noise factor which scares a lot of parents away, learning the drums carries a huge amount of benefits which can develop your little one's mind as well as influence their mood!
So if they have shown an interest and you plan to start looking into a best beginner drum set, first persuade yourself with this list of advantages.
1. Increasing IQ Level and Academics
The hand-eye coordination needed to focus and control each part of the drums uses separate halves of the brain in unison, which in turn can actually improve a person's IQ level. This also advances motor function capacity, allowing for greater ability in tasks that require the use and precision of the hands in later life. The rhythmic nature of the instrument also requires learning of the fundamentals of counting time and tempo, leading to an expansion in mathematical skill.
2. Reducing Stress and Alleviating Bad Moods
Similar to sports, the endorphins released by the heavy amount of physicality and sensory natures in drumming can immediately fix a bad mood or a stressful day. As a distraction tactic after an upset, an experimental session on the drums can instantly change a kid's day from worse to better.
With apprehension, the loudness and tensile satisfaction of banging on a drum can make a young one's anger evaporate - especially important for children that struggle with certain mental health conditions affecting patience or irritability.
3. Exercise and Strengthening the Body
The drums are by far the most physically demanding instrument to play: all four limbs are being used simultaneously, and unlike the smaller finger movements of guitar and piano, they require the use of entire arms or stamping feet.
This combination of exercise is guaranteed to work up a fine sweat, burning calories whilst also engaging the mind, making it a multi-purpose activity. Incredibly, the stress reduction from drumming can also even boost the immune system and lower blood pressure!
4. Refining Behavior and Introducing New Mindsets
There's a handful of specific qualities in percussive playing that each lead to progress in different behavioral areas. For instance, the control of dynamics (whether notes are played loud or soft, etc.) brilliantly boosts impulse control and decision-making, which can of course come in handy for the parents!
The aforementioned use of both halves of the brain while playing also increases synchronicity of brain waves, meaning that greater levels of consciousness can be achieved by drumming. This can lead to gains in insight, creativity and immersion in the activity.
5. Social Opportunities and Self-expression
The attitude needed in order to play such a loud instrument does fantastic things for a kid's confidence, even before beginning to perform for audiences. Additionally, a child will learn that playing a beat well requires it to be broken down into individual notes and actions. This concept of reducing complex tasks into smaller and more manageable segments - as we know as parents - features heavily in later life.
Socially, the drums can be played alongside other instruments, allowing for anything from sessions with friends to playing in the school band - which can even create the beginnings of a career path in music!
Whether you are musical parents hoping to keep drumming in the family, or your child has shown an interest themselves, the instrument has been shown to greatly accelerate mental and physical capability. Obviously a drum kit may not suit all families and their situations. However, if you have the means, patience and confidence in your young one, the skills learned will last for life, and help them hugely as they grow up.