New year is here. While new year's resolutions are done and made for the whole year, the end of the year is the season where new year's resolution-making is at its peak.
However, as we all know, knowing how to stick to our new year's resolution is way harder than simply making it. To help you, here are some ways on how to stick to your new year's resolution.
Make your new year's resolution concrete and specific
Thinking about new year's resolutions is one thing, but knowing how to make it concrete and specific is another. For example, your new year resolves that this year you will eat better. But this is not specific enough. Your goal must be specific, like saying that this year, you will give up all sugar and white flour, and you'll settle with at least three servings of vegetables each day. Doing this will likely help you know how to stick to your goals this year and achieve them.
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Write them down
One way to make sure that you know how to stick to your goals is by writing them down. In this way, it will feel more like a real commitment that you need to follow and to do. What is more effective is by putting those up into your daily calendar.
Just imagine the impact of daily looking at your goals and being reminded of what you wanted yourself to do and achieve!
Tell your friends and other people
When you see those people whom you are close with, tell them about your goals this year! You can even post about it on social media and announce your commitment.
In this way, you will know how to stick to those because you will feel the increase of embarrassment of failure, and not wanting to experience this can be motivating.
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Add pleasure to succeeding
The Reward system is still good in knowing how to stick to your goals this year. Come up with something that you want and reward yourself with it once you achieve something off your new year's resolution list.
This can be as simple as buying yourself a plant or a more pricey reward such as booking yourself a ticket for a weekend getaway. Think of something you like and reward yourself with it. You deserve it!
If you falter, learn to forgive yourself
Successful people are not the ones who never fail, but rather they are the ones that never give up. So, if you ever falter in sticking with your goals this year, learn to forgive yourself.
However, you also need to get back on track and continue what you have started. Also, remind yourself why you are doing this in the first place!
Never use a small slip or even a big one as an excuse to quit on something that you want to achieve.