Two families in a town in Arizona have been sharing a special bond in the last four years because their moms have given birth to miracle quadruplets 11 days apart.
Moms Virginia Johnson, 39, and Kylie Szafranksi, 30, became quick friends online because of their rare similarities. Aside from living in the same town and having multiple births, their miracle quadruplets are a unique set of three girls and one boy for the Johnsons and three boys and one girl for the Szafranksis.
The Johnsons have Ava, Olivia, Madelyn and Victor Jr. and the Szafranksis have Damon, Gideon, Theo and Emery. The miracle quadruplets are now four years old. Each family also have older daughters, Zoey Johnson and River Szafranksi, who are now seven years old.
Growing Up Together
Since their mothers became good friends, the babies have grown up together and their families have shared several milestones as well. Virginia and Kylie even joked that Victor and Emery could be paired off in an arranged marriage when they are of age.
Kylie said that they didn't know about the Johnsons until the births were covered in the local news. She said that the community "was freaking out" because two sets of quadruplets were born in families living close to each other.
The mom said that she got in touch with Virginia online as they belonged to the same community mother's group on Facebook. Since getting together, both families have done a yearly Christmas tradition with all eight kids in a Christmas photo together.
Virginia said that it's been helpful to have another family with quadruplets as they are in the same boat together. Having the Szafranksis has been like a partnership and their families exchange tips as much as the kids enjoy their playtimes.
Battling Fertility Issues
Virginia and Kylie also struggled with fertility issues before having their quad squad. After the birth of their first-born daughters, both moms had miscarriages.
However, Kylie's quadruplets were conceived naturally and she was told by their doctor that she was likely the only woman in the U.S. west coast to be having four babies at the same time. Thus, she was shocked when she saw the news with Virginia's story. Virginia had her quadruplets via IVF.
According to the National Statistics Report, about one in 571,787 pregnancies in the U.S. could be quadruplets. However, a quadruplets conception is rare without assisted reproductive techniques like in-vitro fertilization. Most quadruplets are also born via cesarian section with the babies weighing an average of 3.5 pounds. Babies in multiple births require a stay in the hospital for at least a month since they will need more medical care and attention.
Not all quadruplets could share the same birthday as well since there are intervals in the delivery with some babies born days or weeks apart. This is medically known as iatrogenic asynchronous birth.
Meanwhile, the moms said that they are teaching their children to be loving and accepting children with the world filled with so much hate. They both aspire for their kids to grow up in a loving generation and do great things for the world.
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