Using reusable water bottles is a smart way of staying hydrated. It is more friendly for the environment than single-use plastic bottles, which are costly and have contributed much to the plastic problem of the country and worldwide.
A reusable plastic bottle provides access to water anywhere, as it can be brought anywhere. However, reusable water bottles are one of the utensils in the gray area of being washed every day. Washing it off is often dismissed as "its only water," hence, the prolonged reuse of the bottle without "seriously" cleaning it.
More than its contribution to staying hydrated, health experts warn that it is also essential to keep the water bottle clean every day to prevent mold growth, which can cause illness and infection.
Mold in my drink
Chances are, drinking moldy water from reusable bottles happens frequently. While drinking a few sips of this water may not damage your health, and you may not feel any adverse symptoms, there are rare cases when it can cause cramps diarrhea. However, for people with a weaker immune system, moldy water may cause harm.
Black mold is considered one of the most toxic mold species. Moldy water has a particular odor or a musty look with the smell of dirt.
According to Leslie Reichert, a Green Cleaning Coach, molds, mildew, and germs survive in moist and dark areas. Hence, water bottles are a perfect breeding ground.
Reichert warns that if the water starts to smell a little different or doesn't taste fresh, it's time to ditch the water and clean the bottle.
"Germs will grow on your reusable water bottles after every use," she added.
Cleaning reusable water bottle
Washing can be as simple as loading it in the dishwasher or doing it by hand. Reichert stressed the importance of taking off its part and cleaning it with eco-friendly dish soap and a good bottle brush to reach the nooks and crannies.
She also recommends unscrewing the lids, taking out the straw, and putting it back together after washing.
It is best to rinse it with hot water and dry the reusable water bottle.
Here are other reusable water bottle cleaning hacks that clean experts recommend:
Using Liquid Soap
Fill the water bottle with hot water, then add a few drops of the liquid dish detergent. Place the water bottle cap and shake well until it starts to bubble inside. Remove the suds, then use a scrub brush to clean hard-to-reach areas. After scrubbing, rinse the water bottle in warm water.
Distilled white vinegar
Fill the bottle halfway with vinegar and water. Replace the lid, and shake it. Let it sit with the solution overnight. Rinse out the water bottle the next day. Wash it thoroughly to rinse the vinegar completely. Let it dry.
Baking Soda and Bleach
For water bottles with stubborn grime and mildew, mix a teaspoon of bleach with baking soda in the water bottle. Use the solution to clean the cap as well. Let the bottle sit overnight, and rinse it thoroughly in the morning.
These simple hacks will surely keep your reusable water bottles mildew, mold, and germ-free.