Victoya Venise, a Louisiana mom, got the surprise of her life on April Fool's Day when she gave birth to her second child two months ahead of schedule. Venise was not prepared for the shocking delivery as she was in the middle of a business trip in Georgia when baby Rocky Andrew decided to enter the world.
The place where her second baby was born is unique, with Venise delivering her son in the restroom of a Dunwoody hotel. Venise shared her incredible story with 11 Alive as she recounted the quick delivery on Friday, April 1.
According to Venise, her initial thought when she experienced pain in her tummy was that she had a stomach bug and did not think that the discomfort was because of her baby. Venise said, "I had just came back from urgent care with my daughter. And she had a stomach bug." Venise added that by the time she realized it was a baby and not poop, it was just too late.
Doctors shocked by Venise's surprise delivery
Fox 5 reported that Venise called emergency services and her mother after the surprise birth. She was immediately taken to Northside Hospital, which is just a few minutes away from where she was staying.
Venise said that her doctors were just as surprised as she was when they found out about her delivery. Venise said that the doctors thought that her due date was May 15 because she was so small. Her size was kind of the conflict with the doctors as they thought she was not as far along.
Venise, the professional that she is, was back at the hotel with her newborn baby one day later to finish up on a few of her projects. Venise is a social media manager and a graphic designer, and she had two lovely companions while working, with baby Rocky Andrew and his older sister alongside her.
Venise changes her mind on planned adoption
Venise said she plans to take some time off when she is finished with her current projects. She also plans to move back to Atlanta in the near future to be closer to her mother. Interestingly, Venise initially considered putting her second baby up for adoption, but the circumstances surrounding his birth have changed those plans, according to a report by Black Enterprise.
Venise feels so connected to her son even more, saying, "No, you're mine, I'm going to take care of you. If I could literally bring you into the world by myself, I think I could take care of you." When asked why she gave the name Rocky to her newborn child, Venise said that it carries a special meaning.
Venise said that Rocky is a nickname given to her grandfather and that she just thought it was kind of so befitting because it was like the baby had a rocky start, but he is going to be strong, and he is a fighter.