With the Masters now done and dusted and the weather already warming, families worldwide may feel inspired to grab their golf clubs and play outside, according to Press Publications. Golf, however, is a game of patience and the question for most parents is how to get their children to play this great sport and make them interested in the game?
Getting their kids out of their homes during school holidays and even weekends can be a chore for many parents, with laziness seeping in very quickly among the young ones. Getting them out of the house is one thing, but kids playing a sport such as golf that they know nothing about is another matter.
Introducing golf to children may be difficult for parents, but it does not have to be that way. With crazy golf courses being built around the United States and the sport of footgolf (combination of football and golf) growing in popularity, there are plenty of ways to get kids interested in golf.
Five tips for parents to get their kids to play golf:
GolfSupport.com put together five tips for parents to encourage their kids to play golf. Hitting the links is a great exercise for children, as playing golf will help them develop their spine and core muscles while also improving their hand-eye coordination. In addition, the mental health benefits of playing golf are widely known.
Make it a Short Game
Their first advice to parents is to make it a short game. Kids nowadays have short attention spans, so the key for parents to keep their children entertained while playing golf is to keep the game short. That means playing just nine holes, even if it is an 18-hole course.
Provide Children With The Right Golf Equipment
The second tip for parents is to provide their children with the right golf equipment. Some of the common problems with golf clubs for kids are that they are too heavy, too long, and too stiff. Parents must make sure before starting a game that their child has the right clubs relative to their stamina and height to maximize their golf swing to the best of their ability.
Time to Perfect Their Golf Swing
The third tip that parents must remember is that they should give their children time to perfect their golf swing. Kids are notoriously better at learning a sport from a very young age, as children's attention to detail and perfection is greater. Parents should give their kids enough time to practice when introducing them to golf.
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Make the game of golf fun for children
The fourth tip for parents is to keep the game of golf fun and make sure that they do not criticize their kids' play. Golf is a serious game for some adults, but that is not the case for most kids, who consider it just another sport to grasp. According to Golf Digest, parents must ease off the criticism and let their kids have fun while playing golf.
The fifth and final tip is that parents should speak their kids' language. Parents must be patient with their kids and explain to them how to play golf in childlike terms. This way, they would have a better understanding of the sport.