A miracle baby girl was born under the rubble from the extreme earthquake in Syria.
After the devastating earthquakes rocked the Middle East, a newborn baby girl was found alive underneath a collapsed building.
The miracle baby's cry led the rescuers to locate and rescue her from the debris.
Miracle baby survives the earthquake
According to Today, in Aleppo, Syria, a pregnant woman gave birth to her child amidst the debris of a fallen building while trapped underneath.
In the aftermath of the deadly earthquake that struck the city of Jinderes, Khalil al-Suwadi searched among the rubble of the building where his brother resided.
He heard a little cry that seemed to be from an infant, so he immediately went to the site and started digging through the rubble.
He then saw a newborn baby alive with an umbilical cord that had not yet been cut. Suwadi realized it was the baby of his brother and sister-in-law, Afraa Abu Hadiya.
He kept digging because he believed the mother was still alive and continued to dig when he noticed the baby was still breathing and crying.
Unfortunately, the mother passed away before the arrival of rescuers. However, her newborn was saved.
The dust-covered umbilical cord was cut, and they took the baby to the nearest hospital to receive the urgent care she needed.
The Daily Wire reported that after suffering from bruises, hypothermia, and lacerations, the miracle baby is currently receiving treatment at a hospital in Afrin, Syria, and her condition is considered stable.
After her mother gave birth to her, the newborn's body temperature reportedly dropped to 95 degrees.
The physician who cared for the newborn, Hani Maarouf, speculated that she had only been found a few hours after birth and that she would not have been able to survive much longer in the freezing temperatures.
According to Al-Suwadi, the miracle baby is the only member of her immediate family that had survived the earthquake.
As the earthquake struck the town in the northwest of Syria, the baby's parents and four siblings reportedly attempted to flee the building, but they were all crushed and died under the rubble as the building collapsed. Their bodies were discovered close to the entrance of the building.
Earthquake in Syria and Turkey
According to CNN, a massive earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 hit both Turkey and Syria on Monday, causing widespread destruction and taking the lives of over 7,900 individuals, with tens of thousands more injured.
The aftermath of the quake has left buildings in ruins, with aid agencies becoming increasingly concerned about the situation in northwest Syria, where more than 4 million people are already dependent on humanitarian support.
The situation in Syria is particularly dire, with the country already grappling with a refugee crisis following over a decade of civil war.
The region worst affected by the earthquake is split between government-controlled areas, ruled by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and opposition-held territories located near the Turkish border and surrounded by government forces.
The harsh weather conditions exacerbate the already dangerous situation for survivors, as over 100 aftershocks have shaken the region, making rescue efforts even more challenging.