The 7th grade Michigan student saved the day!
A Michigan middle school student in seventh grade became the talk of the town after he acted smartly in a moment of crisis.
On Wednesday, April 26, when the bus driver suddenly lost consciousness while driving the kids home near Detroit, Dillon Reeves from Lois E. Carter Middle School in Warren quickly took control of the steering wheel and stopped the bus from crashing. His swift actions saved the day and earned him the status of a class hero.
Michigan School Bus Incident
CNN reported that the incident that occurred on Wednesday had a happy ending thanks to the quick thinking of Dillon Reeves, a seventh-grade student at Lois E. Carter Middle School in Warren, Michigan.
The bus driver, who remains unnamed, followed protocol by contacting the transportation department to request relief after experiencing dizziness while driving. Unfortunately, before she could park the bus, she lost consciousness, causing the vehicle to veer dangerously into oncoming traffic. It was at this critical moment that Reeves, who was seated in the fifth row, sprang into action.
With no time to spare, he jumped up from his seat, threw his backpack down, and rushed to the front of the bus, where he took control of the steering wheel. He brought the bus to a stop in the middle of the road, averting a potentially disastrous accident.
Despite the chaos and panic, Reeves was able to apply the brakes slowly and shout to the other passengers to call 911.
Warren police and fire departments responded to the scene within minutes and treated the bus driver, who was taken to the hospital for further evaluation. All students were transferred to another bus to continue their journey home, and no injuries were reported.
Reeves' heroism was captured on video, which was released by the authorities at a news conference held the following day.
In the video, Reeves can be seen taking control of the steering wheel, applying the brakes, and shouting for someone to call 911. He was calling the other kids on the school bus, saying, "Someone call 911. Now. Someone should call 911. I don't care! Someone call 911!"
The Michigan Student was Hailed a Hero
According to the New York Post, the Warren Consolidated Schools took to Facebook to express their gratitude and admiration for the student who saved the day by stopping the bus in its tracks.
The superintendent, Robert D. Livernois, praised the quick thinking and bravery of the student, stating that his actions prevented what could have been a disaster.
Livernois noted that the student had the presence of mind to apply the brakes slowly, which was critical given that the bus was likely full of passengers. Despite the chaos and panic that must have ensued on the bus, the quick thinking and calm under pressure of the student prevented any damage to the bus or surrounding property.
The cause of the bus driver's illness remains unknown, and there have been no prior incidents of this nature involving her.
According to the BBC, upon receiving the news of his son's heroism, Dillon's father, Steve Reeves, was initially surprised and asked what had happened.
However, he was soon informed that his son had saved the day, and local media reported that officers described him as a hero. Dillon's stepmother, Ireta Reeves, proudly took to Facebook to express her gratitude for her stepson's actions, stating that he had no idea how many people were proud of him.
Dillon's bravery and quick thinking have been praised by the community and school district, and rightfully so. His actions undoubtedly saved the day and prevented a potential tragedy.
The school district and the community are rightfully proud of Dillon Reeves for his brave actions.