Don't Know What To Do About Prenatal Depression? Here's How To Win Battle With Prenatal Depression

Some expecting moms get extremely depressed when they become pregnant. Most of them still do not know what to do about prenatal depression and where they can get the help that they need.

Baby Center said anxiety and depression during pregnancy may not be easily diagnosed because women think that their feelings are normal for a pregnant woman. They end up thinking it is something else and become more emotionally down. Doctors fear that undetected depression may cause premature birth and also stop women from properly taking care of themselves and they baby they are carrying.

Screening prenatal depression

University of Texas-Arlington College of Nursing and Health Innovation associate professor Cheryl Anderson told Quartz that it is easy to screen mother for prenatal depression. They just need to answer a questionnaire which will assess how they have been feeling during their pregnancy.

Anderson said various factors indicate that a pregnant woman is suffering from depression and anxiety. However, since many do not pay attention to these signs, their depression worsens and even extends until the postpartum phase.

Take for instance Glynis Ratcliffe. The mother was a symbol of a happy and healthy mom when she was conceiving her first child. It, however, turned all around when she had another baby two years later.

Pretending to be happy

"I would cry every time I would have to go out because I would have to pretend I was happy," she mentioned in the Quartz report. "I couldn't get out of the rut in the way I normally might have in the past."

About halfway on her pregnancy, Ratcliffe decided to seek medical help and it was found that she was suffering from depression. It took months before the mom decided to see an expert since she thought that getting pregnant is all about happiness and positivity.

Aside from talking to a doctor, said women who are depressed can also join support groups and undergo psychotherapy. They can also turn to other types of medication to address their anxiety and negative feelings.

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