Recovery schools that help teens who are dealing with addiction are increasing. Around 36 institutions currently exist nationwide, but five more states are set to open up recovery schools soon. Despite this, these institutions continue to hurdle challenges in its operation, as administrators and advocacy groups are working hand in hand to address the problems.
ABC reports that recovery schools for teen addiction were first established in 1979 and it has since spawned a national movement. At one point, there were at least 77 recovery schools around the United States, but there were also institutions that closed down after operating for three years. States like Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota and Washington will soon open seven more recovery schools in response to the rising incidence of kids needing drug intervention
What Is A Recovery School For Teen Addicts?
Many who have actually attended recovery schools attest that it did turn their lives around. Recovery schools serve as a safe environment for teenagers who are working to overcome their addiction.
Some say that if they didn't attend a recovery school, they would have landed in jail or died due to substance abuse. Apart from regular classes, the students at recovery schools have to undergo regular drug testing, therapy and counseling from experts.
Special 'Recovery High Schools' Help Teens Struggling with Drug #Addiction
— News in Brief (@newsinbrief) June 20, 2016
The Challenges Of Running A Recovery School
But the economics of running a recovery school varies per establishment as some are private schools, while others are publicly funded. Enrollees also vary, as not every student willingly attend recovery school. Other teens who return to regular school after trying out a recovery school end up relapsing as well. The stigma of being a drug addict still follow these kids around, when recovery schools could've helped them fully recover.
The classes, drug tests, therapy and counseling sessions require substantial funds for schools to keep operating. Some have to do fundraisers to get additional money, per Times Union. Others rely on help from donors and benefactors.
How You Can Help Recovery Schools
Recovery schools belong to an association that ensures the institutions deliver the best services to addicted teenagers via Recovery Schools Org. Being a part of an association helps recovery schools tap into other resources or network, but anyone can also help these schools keep operating through donations.
Will you support a recovery school for teen addicts? What can you say about their objectives? Share your thoughts in the comments!