Donald Trump's Son, Barron Trump at 10 Is A 'Little Donald,' According to Mom, Melania

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has a 10-year-old son who is said to be a lot like him. In fact, the boy's mother, Melania, describes Barron as the "Little Donald." What makes Barron Trump specifically his father's mini-me?

Barron Trump, born on March 20, 2006 and the fifth and youngest of Donald Trump's children, is said to be the closest depiction of his father compared to his other siblings. The 10-year-old kid already appreciates the finer things in life and he isn't fond of wearing shirts and sweatpants. However, he is comfortable in three piece suits, just like his dad.

Barron Trump, The Strong-Minded Little Donald Trump

In a previous interview with Parenting, Melania related that Barron is an opinionated child, who is strong-minded, independent and smart, thus, she calls him the "Little Donald." A former butler of the Trump family, who saw all of his children grow up, also attested that Barron is the Little Donald, per Yahoo. Tony Senecal fondly recalls that when Barron Trump was only 2-year-old, he asked the adult to sit down and talk with him while he had his breakfast.

Like his dad, Barron has art pieces in his bedroom and exhibited the love to draw early on. He went through a phase of drawing on walls with crayons. Melania said he also loved building tiny cities with Lego, a trait that's a lot like his dad, who made his money in real estate.

Barron Trump Looks Up To Donald Trump

Though born with a silver spoon, Barron Trump doesn't have nannies tending to his every whim. In a People interview, Donald Trump said that if they had many helpers, he won't be able to get to know his kids. While Melania is hands-on with Barron, Donald also has his one-on-one time with his youngest. They dine and play golf together.

As Trump is on the campaign trail, the rest of his family also joins him in his trips around the United States. Barron Trump was in the audience to support his dad during the GOP Debate in March, per Daily Mail. The boy is said to have so much respect for Donald Trump, who could be the future president of the United States.

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