5 Things You Need in Your Emotional Backpack as You Head to School

  1. Problem solving practice: This reminds us of the algebra student who challenged her teacher with: "Why do we need to study algebra when we're not going to use it in the real world?" The teacher smiled and stated the student was absolutely correct. "Algebra is used as mere practice to problem solve." We encourage you to practice solving would-be scenarios, especially controversial ones. We love preventative measures. Role play what you would do if your best friend is bullied. Peer-pressured into experimenting with drugs? A friend has depression or expressed suicidal threats and asks you to promise confidentiality? Consider step-by-step actions to take to reach a successful result. Takeaway:#Roleplayworks.
  2. Courage: The Cowardly Lion always had it. We have it too. We just need to summon it. Tuck that figurative medal in the backpack, behind the ipad and iphone chargers...some sort of talisman that calls up the strength needed to remind us that we have had the bravery needed all along to deal with whatever comes our way. Takeaway: Pack a transitional object to remind you that you too, have ruby slippers.
  3. Unplug and Unclique. The new hot thing? Service to others. Whether you are entering third grade or your last year in college, lift your head from your cellphone texts, and notice what's around you. Is there a new club you can join? With school and community outreach programs, you'll meet new people, fulfill your community service requirements, and make you and everyone proud. Takeaway: No better lesson learned than to do something for others. #integritybuilder.
  4. Optimism/Positive Mindset: The human brain is wired to have 4 negative thoughts for every 1 positive thought. You'll have to be conscious of this stat, and ramp up your optimism. We suggest you reframe those that say, "you can't do it," or "this will never work." Takeaway: You're in charge of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Make the best of them.
  5. Resilience: When things get dicey, keep going. Consider that a touchy situation is just resiliency training and part of your education. As the salutatorian of your high school, you arrive on a competitive campus and discover you are just plain average. Takeaway: Reframe that knot in your stomach by saying to yourself how great it is to be surrounded by minds and hearts that will challenge and stimulate you as you continue on your journey to be the best version of yourself. As you forge ahead, watch how you shine.

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